Articles #112

Top 7 men's stuff that kill any desire for a woman on the root

Top 7 men's stuff that kill any desire for a woman on the root
It is impossible to say that Russian women are so demanding to their men. It is enough girls with an approach as in that anecdote - "does not go under...

5 myths about kids mom solo

5 myths about kids mom solo
In our country, every seventh child grows in an incomplete family, and in 94% of cases - with mom, and 6% falls on families where dads and grandparents...

Rubber not a disease: we treat french snot

Rubber not a disease: we treat french snot
Anna Dmitrieva - Mom of the Russian-French Child, who is always ready to share his experience in observations of differences in the Russian and French...

7 things that lesbians want to say to their heterosexual girlfriends (18+)

7 things that lesbians want to say to their heterosexual girlfriends (18+)
Lesbians have to face the same issues and situations in a circle. It would be better to clarify them in advance, so that here are seven things that lesbians...

5 signs that parents encroach on your personal space

5 signs that parents encroach on your personal space
Many parents believe that they have the full right to their children, together with their own lives. And sometimes the struggle for the preservation...

Your serial number: What is the character of the youngest son?

Your serial number: What is the character of the youngest son?
Horoscopes are outdated, socionics is not lying only in young students, and sometimes I want to pay for yourself and look at what to expect from the neighbors...

11 signs that your dad taxes

11 signs that your dad taxes
It happens such a type of dad - that he is that it is not, everything is one. And there are dads are cool and clear. This is the heroes of the parent...

Great and terrible. How foreigners teach Russian. In gifs

Great and terrible. How foreigners teach Russian. In gifs
We could not deny yourself the pleasure of translate from the English impression of foreign studies studying Russian. Know ours! In the sense of our. :)...

Gorky bread mother son. When children do not grow even as adults

Gorky bread mother son. When children do not grow even as adults
We thought that the complaints about the excess of maternal love - the lot of girls. But the old-pretaraya, from the paper magazine "End of Epoch", the...

Russian chemistry in social networks. Need an urgent addition!

Russian chemistry in social networks. Need an urgent addition!
Wait to curse, stumbled upon the illiterate word in the network. Just listen to him. Sounds as if created for a chemical table!Is not it so? A miracle,...

6 signs that living with you in the same apartment is

6 signs that living with you in the same apartment is
In large cities, real estate prices have long come out due to control, and for a rag-born two-room apartment overlooking the nuclear waste landfill...

It's not about you: 11 reasons when your partner just does not want sex

It's not about you: 11 reasons when your partner just does not want sex
Let's be honest: when you refuse to sex, you first think about something wrong with you, and your partner fell in love and no longer wants. This will definitely...

18 problems of girls with oily skin

18 problems of girls with oily skin
The expression "like cheese in oil" you imagine literally. And at this very moment you imagine your face, because someone we will not call, awarded you...

The most stupid children's photos

The most stupid children's photos
At the resource new flash mob. People share stupid and simply moronic children and adolescent photos with their second half. You probably...

7 rules of life astmatics, helping no worse than inhaler

7 rules of life astmatics, helping no worse than inhaler
The first thing we want to tell you if you are asthmatic and are observed at the pulmonologist - fulfill its recommendations. Secondly - if you only in...