Articles #110

Some love is cold: the best recipes of cold soups

Some love is cold: the best recipes of cold soups
Cholel your dust - in the heat somehow does not pull on the tanning soup and borsch, but the cold soups go with a bang. Additional bonus - they are quickly...

The strangest devices for masturbation (18+)

The strangest devices for masturbation (18+)
Immediately warn you: the vibrator in the shape of a bunny and a telephone with a vibrating alert is the remnants of the twentieth century! In this post...

10 requirements for you for which it is for a long time to send the forest

10 requirements for you for which it is for a long time to send the forest
Not so easy to be a woman, it turns out. Because a woman should everyone. From the earliest childhood should behave decently, learn to one five and not...

I already thirty, mom, so you're time to understand something about me

I already thirty, mom, so you're time to understand something about me
The compliments and words of love will never be unnecessary and repeating from year to year, but some things seem to us, our mothers just it is time to...

What, besides the heels, you need to think when you think to start the children

What, besides the heels, you need to think when you think to start the children
It can very well be that soon you will start to look at the storefronts of stores with sprawers and suddenly discover that babies, in general, very...

Fluity Fruits: 7 Most Crazy Children's Sex Theories

Fluity Fruits: 7 Most Crazy Children's Sex Theories
There are two different opinions about sexual education: some people believe that this is such an advertisement "And also children, there is anal sex....

Gentlemen, do not kiss the ladies of hands. Still do not know how

Gentlemen, do not kiss the ladies of hands. Still do not know how
There are men who kiss ladies hands. I am not about the gentlemen between my husband and wife, I'm about those who are trying to enjoy old-fashioned and...

19 nightmares hairy girl

19 nightmares hairy girl
I don't understand the bald, but we feel and know how girls gifted to "super-duty" suffer. Yes, yes, no one is a gift of fate, but punishment and torment....

Purkua would not? 8 reasons to start a service novel in gifs

Purkua would not? 8 reasons to start a service novel in gifs
Everyone knows that love is generally good. Nevertheless, the service novels for some reason are undeservedly exposed to urastricism and public censure:...

If something is wrong with the child. How to find out what is the case in the teacher?

If something is wrong with the child. How to find out what is the case in the teacher?
When something is in school, something is not laid, problems can be of different origin. From a sluggish cold to low motivation (so now they say when the...

Books-diaries, from which heart shrink

Books-diaries, from which heart shrink
We are constantly nothing that everything is bad that life is unbearable, work - hell, mortgage and other loans - horror, and there are no limit to our...

Telephone etiquette: how to talk to a foreigner so that you are not sent

Telephone etiquette: how to talk to a foreigner so that you are not sent
Suppose you are a sophisticated and cultural girl, and, answering a call, do not yell in the tube "What a fuck?!" But in order to pass for the foreign...

School of survival of timid in the city of daring: tear the tram cham

School of survival of timid in the city of daring: tear the tram cham
Nearby is a valor - to sew the bailier, unpredied adviser or Hama, if you are combat on nature a girl. And if, on the contrary, timid and intelligent?...

19 points that you are exactly familiar if you go to the pool

19 points that you are exactly familiar if you go to the pool
No one will argue, the dynamic swimming creates wonders, with a spine, with a figure. But workouts in the sports pool carry and many sadness. We were watching...

"Get out - it is half an end, you need to learn how to live again ..." The story of women who escaped from tyrants

"Get out - it is half an end, you need to learn how to live again ..." The story of women who escaped from tyrants
Violence destroys the identity as a virus or bacterium destroy the body. Need treatment and need rehabilitation. What do women feel after parting with...