Articles #104

In Russia, an application has been developed for those who are terribly flying by airplanes

In Russia, an application has been developed for those who are terribly flying by airplanes
The director of the company "We fly without fear" Pilot from Moscow Alexey Gervash presented on his page on Facebook app for those who are afraid to fly...

What did men hurt why women left home and other little-known facts from the life of the ancients

What did men hurt why women left home and other little-known facts from the life of the ancients
Many dreams are dreaming (or to the future), but today the time car has not yet come up. Fortunately, there are archaeologists and historians who literally...

5 myths about cheating

5 myths about cheating
Maybe this is true not what you think. Many adoptions on the treasures that we are accustomed to taking to faith, statistics refute from the pollock.Where...

Female treason. Why do you need to be afraid of her?

Female treason. Why do you need to be afraid of her?
The saying "Good Levak strengthens marriage" came up with men. They themselves came up with themselves. You probably believe it too. And, in general, sometimes...

Bra bullet, related legs and other strange fashion trends that can return from the past

Bra bullet, related legs and other strange fashion trends that can return from the past
It is said that beauty requires victims, but some fashion trends are so strange that a modern person is surprising. Throughout history, people came...

Just i'm cool! 13 pluses low self-esteem

Just i'm cool! 13 pluses low self-esteem
If you believe in the Internet, namely the psychological part of them, then the reduced self-esteem is the main sore of humanity. She is terrible than...

Those the very serials of the 90s, from which not to break away today

Those the very serials of the 90s, from which not to break away today
While the nervous scenarios bore new seasons "Sherlock" and "Games of the Thrones", there are enough Kondrathy. To brighten a wonderful wait, Pics.Ru found...

Needle worth the candle? 11 loudest doping scandals in sports

Needle worth the candle? 11 loudest doping scandals in sports
Until all Mary Sharapova was blamed, or not, Maria Sharapova was to blame for those who took unauthorized Meldonius (he was Mildonat), with the same...

The most honest postcards: the whole truth about Japan

The most honest postcards: the whole truth about Japan
Of course, we all know everything about everyone and generally erudented people, but we can surprise. Here, for example, Japan. But, for example, our ideas...

Mega-guidebook for women's shoes - in pictures

Mega-guidebook for women's shoes - in pictures
A broken hour is trying to find a model of the shoes that I saw in the movie, but you can't figure out her name? Well, if somewhere in a fashionable review...

How to get rid of forgetfulness: 15 loyal ways

How to get rid of forgetfulness: 15 loyal ways
Save on the wall so as not to forget! And better print.All these chikhanks about the excellence of sclerosis - "nothing hurts and every day new impressions!"...

30 free paints for adults. Remove stress

30 free paints for adults. Remove stress
Are you aware that coloring is a new adult fashion? Beautiful adult coloring, mandalas with hundreds of items. They help not fall asleep at meetings, you...

Spy, who seduced me: 10 cool specials

Spy, who seduced me: 10 cool specials
Not Craig, you know, one. The story knows a lot of secret agents, secret mercenaries and spies, which immediately want to give everything - the plan of...

These poems will learn themselves! Best modern children's poets

These poems will learn themselves! Best modern children's poets
Marshak, Chukovsky and Agnes Barto - this, of course, the three pillars on which our childhood and to stand and jump, and our grandchildren from them are...

Tlen and despair: the best photos of autumn fogs

Tlen and despair: the best photos of autumn fogs
We decided that in your tape lacks a pleasant autumn, which usually does not happen in big cities. Therefore, look and enjoy - nature, as you remember,...