Articles #100

7 non-existent devices, which are very necessary for parents

7 non-existent devices, which are very necessary for parents
In the world of goods for children reigns real chaos - you can find an incredible number of different pieces and devices as very useful and useless at...

In South Korea, the final competitions for Nurestania were held. How do they do it?!

In South Korea, the final competitions for Nurestania were held. How do they do it?!
In the capital of South Korea, the final competitions for Nurestania were held. Under the conditions, participants in the competitions must see, without...

Why do not work diet? What you have not already knew

Why do not work diet? What you have not already knew
First we define what it means "do not work." Because the first thing that says everyone will say, after reading the headline, this is: "Well, how so,...

20 people who need to swell right now

20 people who need to swell right now
If the kind of your chronicles puts you in a dead end, if you lose interesting news, which just flashed before our eyes, if you do not know who all these...

23 Useful pieces that make cleaning more fun

23 Useful pieces that make cleaning more fun
Space ships are furious all that they are allowed to fight, and you will not handle disgusting to cleaning? hurries to help! Assembled for you...

Well, I am a terrible one-2: the mystery of black dots, rough elbows and other bobbs

Well, I am a terrible one-2: the mystery of black dots, rough elbows and other bobbs
More recently, we told you about the secret and non-obvious causes of the appearance of acne, bruises under the eyes and other disgraces. PICS.RU continues...

Aphorisms about love and thick dogs - together forever!

Aphorisms about love and thick dogs - together forever!
PICS.RU Decates this Mass-up Sentimental dogs and fat statements about love. That is, on the contrary.

Condoms for all occasions. Do you want a soccer ball?

Condoms for all occasions. Do you want a soccer ball?
Condoms have long ceased to be just a means of protection, now these are objects of art. Of course, there are still standard gums for every day, but we...

Superheroid is already here! Choose your winner at the Wacom Competition

Superheroid is already here! Choose your winner at the Wacom Competition
PICS.RU and Wacom CIS summarize the Superheroin contest. We gladly watched all the jobs sent (you can admire them in Vkontakte and Facebook) and, having...

Strategic Stock: How to store supplies in case of Akhtung

Strategic Stock: How to store supplies in case of Akhtung
Perhaps you did not notice, but we have a crisis on our yard. We encourage you to panic and stock up the province. The bag of buckwheat in the bins...

10 ordinary things that your baby will play for a long time

10 ordinary things that your baby will play for a long time
To take and interest the child, it does not need a bunch of new dolls, designers, houses, machines, animals and other things! Sometimes it is enough to...

Summer man. 9 differences from a person reasonable

Summer man. 9 differences from a person reasonable
It is said that the phenomenon of the Russian dacket is inseparable from the phenomenon of the Russian soul. Like, if you were born and grew up in Russia,...

20 evil tips: how to quickly

20 evil tips: how to quickly
There is nothing impossible for a person with intelligence. Dial 30 years per month - it is not so difficult, as it seems at first glance. The main thing...

Short and effective self-confidence allowance

Short and effective self-confidence allowance
My friend, you probably have already noticed that the world around me is sucking, the crisis walks on the planet, the reasons for happiness are less and...

How to give yourself a pink under the ass: 9 inspiring books from myth publishing house

How to give yourself a pink under the ass: 9 inspiring books from myth publishing house
Only for you, we collected a selection of books charged to love, happiness and cultivation of true genius. You will learn to steal as an artist, work like...