The most popular things from the fashion of the past, which today amuse


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Fashion is a very strange thing. She changes very quickly, sometimes even the most crazy things can become fashionable, and only real experts can predict that it will be fashionable next season. On the other hand, the boundaries of what is fashionable and stylish, and what is not, very blurred (for example, what is the meat dress Lady Gaga).

So today will get acquainted with five madmen, but, fortunately, the ancient trends of fashion, which were very popular in the old days. Some of them forced people to harm themselves, others even led to death, but they were all considered a "pisch" of fashion and style, regardless of the consequences.

1. Krinolin

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Today it may seem strange, and in fact it is difficult to imagine the reason why women for more than 300 years preferred to wear such giant underwear. With the help of such skirts, women tried to look fashionably at the time - a tiny waist and huge buttocks. However, the price of such beauty was terrible - the hoops under the skirts were terribly heavy, which led to damage to the hips. And let's not forget about the impossibility of sitting, go through the door and just be a "normal" man.

But the most terrible story associated with Krnolin occurred in 1863 in Santiago, Chile, when the church caught fire. Women who were inside, tried to run out, but the hoops of their skirts were stuck in the door, which led to the death of about 3,000 people. All thanks to this insane and uncomfortable fashion trend.

2. Huge wigs

If someone ever watched a film about the beginning of the XVII century, he probably rushed into the eyes another stupid trendy trend - huge, bulky and curly wigs. It all started with the fact that the French king Louis XIII began to wear fake hair to hide her baldness, and, as was the case then, the aristocrats began to imitate the king and began to wear wigs without a visible reason.

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Such wigs not only look strange for the current person, they were also extremely difficult to wear, and sometimes they even led to accidents. For example, they could easily light up. Nevertheless, for more than 100 years, wigs were a fashion trend number one, and enjoyed popular both among men and among women, up to the French Revolution, which forever put an end to the wigs.

3. Pulene

And now let's talk a little about male fashion. Puples were very popular among the aristocracy during the Middle Ages (XIV - XV century). Despite the fact that these soft leather shoes with very sharp noses were created in order to be bored by both sexes, they were especially loved by men.

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They were simply amazingly impractical and harmful not only for mods wearing them, but also for the people around him. This led to certain restrictions. For example, the nobles were allowed to wear shoes with a length of 0.6 meters, merchants - 0.3 meters, and peasants - only 15 centimeters.

4. Corsets

The corsets were the most insane trendy trend, as they have caused continuous harm to poor women who wanted to achieve an aspen waist. Of course, there were many options for this underwear, and some of them simply supported the female posture, like modern bras, some of them were so stronged that it led to such health problems, like dyspepsia, heartbeat, mammary abscesses, liver shift and Many others.

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But it did not stop fashionistas. In fact, it is written that one woman had a waist of a circle of 33 centimeters, which is extremely harmful to health and simply looks strange. Some women with such a waist, as a rule, fainted quite often, also had problems with breathing and even climbed the ribs for the sake of fashion.

5. Lead Makeup

And we will finish the story, perhaps the longest and most insane trend in fashion history - lead-based cosmetics. Historians believe that this trend arose at least 200 BC and finally ended in ancient Greece and finally ended in the late XIX century. The cause of such popularity of lead cosmetics was that among women and men pale or even dairy-white leather of the face was considered the most beautiful for many centuries. It is sad that this makeup was toxic and contained many harmful elements that even led to death.

For example, Elizabeth I did his thick "wealth mask" from vinegar and white lead, while others sometimes poured the skin with lead leaks, drank iodine, ate chalk and put mercury on her face.

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