8 ancient means for beauty, relevant and today


8 ancient means for beauty, relevant and today 9114_1

People - and especially women - always wanted to look good, and cosmetology has many thousands of years. The desire to be beautiful is one of the basic properties of human nature, and our ancient ancestors, as we, tried to embell themselves with thousands of different ways.

Of course, some ancient beauty techniques must be left in the past. Leaded leather, the base for skin lightening used by women in the Elizavtian era, contained lead, which ultimately led to dark spots on the skin. To get rid of these stains, the ladies of the face of Mercury face.

But not all the ancient techniques of beauty under the ban. Some of them can still be used today, and in some cases they are still used.

1. Coconut oil

This oil has become extremely popular over the past couple of years and is used as a versatile agent, from hair mask before treating such skin states like eczema. It is not surprising that thanks to its antibacterial, antifungal, and antiviral properties, coconut oil was used by healers during the centuries - in reality, the ancient Sanskrit word for the symbol of coconut means "a tree that supplies everything necessary for life." Now coconut oil is popular as deeply moisturizing hair masks, but there are some properties used by our ancestors that seem to be forgotten. Not many know that coconut oil is a natural skin protection against the Sun, filtering harmful UV rays, allowing the skin to absorb Vitamin D.

2. Sea salt

The use of sea salt is one of the most ancient means of maintaining beauty - retained its popularity and nowadays. If you look at the cosmetic department of the store or pharmacy, you can always find products advertising the benefits of sea salt and include it as a key ingredient. Sea salt has many advantages. This is an antiseptic and preservative. It cleans, detoxifies and helps to keep moisture.

Since ancient times, the salt has been used as a scrub and removed dead skin, and also was used to combat cellulite. In ancient Greece, sea water massage was popular, the seaside salt was used in masks and wraps, as well as in sea waterproof pools.

3. Olive oil

This natural product was used in the Mediterranean and in the East to care for skin more than five thousand years. We are no more stupid of the ancient Greeks, Phoenicians, Egyptians and Romans: And today olive oil is an important ingredient of many cosmetic products and contributes to the best skin care, body, nails and hair.

Since there are many vitamin E in olive oil, it is very favorable for skin care; Makes the complexion pleasant and increases the skin turgor. It is also used to keep your nails durable and prevent their fragility. Oil also moisturizes hair and gives them gloss and silkiness.

4. Shugaring

Depilation (hair removal) is caused by the need for beauty, which is popular in many societies and for which many methods have been developed. One of the depilation methods from about 1900 to n. e. Was shigaring, also known as Persian wax. Due to its effectiveness and the fact that it uses natural ingredients, today he is gaining popularity again. Shugaring is a process similar to wax epilation. Pasta prepared from ingredients such as Patok, honey and lemon juice are applied to the skin. Then the paste is removed, removing, thus hair. This is a much softer method than wax epilation, and with a smaller probability causes such problems as ingrown hair. And there is nothing surprising in the fact that this method did not refuse to this day.

5. Honey

Unsurpassed an ancient beauty care agent is honey. The amazing and incomparable properties of honey are well known - it is an antiseptic and antioxidant. It was the most popular ingredient used in ancient Egyptian drugs included in almost half of almost thousands of preserved recipes. It was also the usual ingredient in cosmetics long before the therapeutic and cosmetic properties of honey were really proven honey, as an antiseptic agent, can help with acne, if used as a mask. Honey also gives skin and hair softness, moisture and purity.

6. Saffron oil

Cleopatra, known for its beauty, bathed in dairy baths with saffron oil. This expensive spice was used in cosmetics for many centuries. It is mentioned in the oldest Ayurvedic texts, about 500 BC. er, as a spice, which is used in cosmetic procedures.

Saffran oil is not a popular beauty ingredient today, but some people add a few drops to coconut oil to create a cleansing and moisturizing mask. It is eagerly used by women in Morocco and India, and there it is considered a very effective means. Perhaps the time has come to introduce this ancient remedy into modern rituals of beauty.

7. Clay

Many face masks today are based on clay - it is soaked in various ingredients, and then applied directly to the face. The face masks from the best clay of the Dead Sea were the favorite means of maintaining the beauty of the legendary Cleopatra. They certainly work, and their popularity is likely to not weaken in the near future.

8. Eggs

Perhaps the cheapest, easiest and affordable ingredient in the list - eggs, so that they were an integral part of most diets for thousands of years. But they are not only good health, they are a wonderful ingredient in a considerable amount of cosmetic skin care products. The cosmetics uses protein in the composition of masks to smooth wrinkles, and a mask can be used to lighten and moisturizing the skin, which includes yolks, honey and essential oils. Eggs are also used as an ingredient in hair masks for many centuries, and, depending on the type of hair and the desired effect, they are used together with oils, sea salt and honey.

The cosmetics industry is prone to fads, and new ingredients and miracle products appear every year. But, looking at the most ancient preserved traditions, you can learn a lot from our ancestors, and many of these methods are still extremely popular today.

It is not surprising that ingredients that long ago have a favorable effect on the skin and hair, are still found in cosmetic products today, and many of the products on this list are usually used together with each other.

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