18 signs that something went wrong in relationships


18 signs that something went wrong in relationships 8501_1

Relationships, both romantic and platonic, can often be difficult. Most of the relationships should invest a lot of work, especially when difficult times are coming. Nevertheless, there are also such relationships that can simply poison the life of one or both partners. Today we will discuss exactly the last option, and about the signs that it would seem bright feelings may worsen physical, mental or emotional health.

1. Permanent "Walking on a knife blade"

If someone suddenly caught himself thinking that he was constantly listening and was not decided to say something or do because of the potential "problems" at home, most likely another person does something so that his partner cannot be . In this case, there is a chance that the relationship does not lead to anything good.

2. Feeling devastation

Relationships should add something to life, but not to take away. If someone is constantly taking a partner, he is unsuccessful trying to defend his views, "he does not look like", behaves unnaturally, it is not surprising that at the same time you feel completely exhausted as emotionally and physically.

3 sense of disrespect or another person

Most experts on relationships will say that respect is one of the main conditions of good relationships. It is difficult to live with another person as with an equal partner, if you do not respect it. Therefore, if suddenly it will be found that tritely do not respect your half or feel that they do not respect you, it is worth asking yourself why it happens.

4 Lack of confidence between partners

It is about the same as with respect. If there is no confidence in the relationship, then in essence people have nothing.

5 communication problems

Communication is the most bonding thing that supports good relationships. You can trust, respect and even love another person, but if there is no communication, it will all quickly disappear. If there are regular failures and misunderstandings in communication, problems appear. Depending on how everything goes on, the relationship can even begin to harm both.

6 Direct insult

Insult it happens in many forms: for example, emotional, physical, mental and spiritual. It is a very obvious sign that relations have grown into toxic.

7 One of the sides (or both) feels that it is constantly underestimated

The main sign of a toxic man as a whole is that he will do everything to feel "above" of another and control it. One way to do it is to try to force others to feel depressed and insignificant. Quite quickly, this can make any relationship toxic.

8 Permanent critics

Constructive criticism from those who trust, can actually be a good thing. However, if the criticism becomes a tool forcing the partner to feel that he will never be able to do something right, it is already obviously unhealthy.

9 "Half" is all that matters

Healthy relationships implies what you need not only to "take", but also to "give." Also for them is characterized by the fact that the more you give, the more you get. If both are both concentrated on the happiness of another person, everything is fine. In toxic relations, there is no such thing, and one person can be, whose happiness is above all. It is just worth keeping in mind that personal happiness is also important.

10 No growth

Although all relationships have ups and downs, if they do not "grow" and do not develop, it may mean that it's time to move on. If relations do not develop, it will eventually stop and personal growth.

11 There is always drama

The drama tends to raise the level of stress and, in turn, the level of cortisol and adrenaline. Although sometimes it may even be considered healthy, if this is the norm for both, nerves are not infinite. If someone notices that there is always a drama in his relationship, it's time to appreciate why this happens. Is there any good reason for this.

12 No concept "You need to take and give"

As mentioned earlier, in healthy relations you need to give and take, and it is not only about happiness. The concept of "Give and Take" also provides a balance to meet the emotional, physical and spiritual needs of each. If personal needs are constantly being sacrificed to another person, relationships require serious work.

13 Relationships depend on belonging to a specific group.

If belonging to any group or community is a requirement to maintain relationships, probably love here and does not smell. Although it is important to have common interests to establish a basis for relationships, the relationship should not end if one of the partners for any reason decides to leave the group or organization.

14 partner or friend controls their half

This is probably the brightest sign of toxic relationships. If life becomes similar to the life of another person and is radically different from personal desires, it's time to return his life to himself.

15 Ultimatum to each other

Although this days it is very difficult to find unconditional love and support, the relationship should not flourish on ultimatums. "Do just so ...", "if you do it ...", etc. - This is another sign that someone is controlled.

16 coercion to do certain actions

To be forced to do something against your will, it is not entirely useful for mental or emotional health. It will not lead to anything good.

17 feel worse than before the relationship began

Once again, any relationships that should be preserved should bring something new to life. If all that makes a close person, confuses and makes feel bad, it's time to leave. If someone feels worse due to the one he is (his habits, actions, etc.), this is a sign that his partner is not a good "add-on" to his life.

18 No Relationship Safety

One of the control methods to which toxic people resorted is that they force the partner to feel uncertain in relationships. If a person is not sure about something, they will be easier to manipulate and control it.

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