7 men's secrets that useful to know every woman


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What do women really want ... whether they want them to ask about it, or they want to give a little more time to developing relationships. Where did they get so striking mood swings that it was angry today ... All these questions can make literally "boil" the brain of any man. And this is no secret.

But the representatives of the weak gender will certainly surprise that men can be secretive and "incomprehensible." In the men's mind there are a number of secrets who would like to reveal any woman, because knowing these secrets, she will be able to better understand her man. So, while someone is a man trying to figure out the reason for a sharp change in the mood of his woman, she also should be a little learning about his personality to have better compatibility. We give a list of secrets that every woman should know about men.

1. He loves to hug

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He will never tell this, and probably he likes "hugs" not as his half, but men really like hugging. It would be difficult for him to admit it because in society often the opinion that hugs are something more "female". Nevertheless, the reality is that the arms give the opportunity to a men "communications" with their partner in fact without any intentions to chat.

2. He does not want to be strong all the time

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Men "Strong" and they like it. Visiting the gym and exhibitors of sports gives them the necessary tide of adrenaline, which makes feel strong. Although they like to take responsibility for the safety and well-being of their woman, the strong floor also needs a little support from her part. Despite the fact that men are "stronger" in relationships, sometimes there may be moments when they crave emotional support. Therefore, every woman who is in relationships should pay attention to the emotional needs of his man.

3. He loves in his woman a lot of things about which she does not even suspect

This is a big secret that few people know about men. From how she fills her hair before she squeezes his hand when moving across the road ... There are many "little things", various actions that literally "drive him crazy about this woman," and she does not even suspect about it. Men adore women and what they do, as well as their softness and understanding.

4. He likes "Girls" TV shows and films she looks. Sometimes

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Perhaps he always ridled the idea of ​​watching a "tearful romantic series" by a lazy Sunday afternoon, but sometimes he may like aspects shown in such love films. He never recognizes this, but secretly can drop a tear, watching the ears in love with the characters.

5. He is also afraid of "these" days

Although a man does not need to endure menstrual spasms, headaches and mood swings that accompany the premenstrual syndrome, it will certainly have something to fear. This is obvious because he also needs to survive many terrible things in the "these days" of his women. This includes involvement in disputes, which he will never win, accusations in everything that is not as necessary, buying candies kilograms or at all scandals and tears.

6. He also likes compliments

Since men like to stay "inside the shell", behind the impenetrable shell, women always have the impression that men do not like when they make compliments about their appearance. But the truth is completely opposite to this. Men love compliments as well as women. If a woman tells him that he looks beautiful, it will "make it a day" and raise his self-esteem to new heights.

7. He tries to impress the woman

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If some girl thinks that dear gifts, beautiful flowers or chocolate is all that a man can make an impression on a woman, for her, for sure, will be a revelation to find out the following: almost everything he does, it is to produce It is impressed. It may seem that it behaves naturally, but in the depths of the soul there is a chance that it behaves in a certain way, only to attract the attention of a woman and get her approval.

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