How to find a compromise in the most difficult relationship


How to find a compromise in the most difficult relationship 8487_1

In all families, from time to time there are various quarrels, it is absolutely normal. But you need to be able to competently go out of such situations, without destroying the relationship, which probably lined up with years.

When does the need for a compromise?

Most often, quarrels arise due to incomprehension of interests or points of view from partners. Obviously, then the best way to smooth the conflict will be a compromise search. It would seem that everything is obvious and there is nothing complicated in this, however, as practice shows, not in all families, partners can find this compromise. In such situations, both partners should make concessions to each other, and this is very difficult, since for any person their interests cost above all that is also quite explained. Relationship is a job, so sometimes you need to go through yourself in order to keep the most valuable. Concessions should be mutual. If one of the partners always comes on a compromise, and the second is constantly stubbornly on his own, this is not a relationship, but the game is one gate. In this case, with a partner it is to talk to seriously, to know how important it is important to him, why doesn't he come from his interests for the sake of a person close to him?

How to come to a compromise?

Find a general one, a mutually acceptable solution is always difficult, as people are selfishly selfish. But when a quarrel arises, it is worth thinking: "What will I get if I am stubbornly stand up on my? Will I feel good when you manage to defend your opinion, but the relationship will shake? " If the answer is the affirmative, then, most likely, the price of the price is such a relationship, since it is obvious that in this case the partners do not appreciate each other. And if the answer is negative and relationships are important for humans, then he will definitely find the strength to give way to an expensive person.

It is desirable, of course, a compromise to search together. In the end, the relationship is a joint job, where no one must have chealing. It is important that both partners can speak. You should not be afraid to share those moments that in relationships for some reason are not satisfied. If everything is discussed on the shore, do not run the problem further, then everything will be able to fix.

Without searching for a compromise, the relationship will not be arranged, so deciding to a serious relationship with one or another person, to begin with, you should think about whether there is a willingness to make compromises. The bouquet-candidate period is not eternal, and sooner or later the quarrels will appear. Accordingly, they will have to somehow settle.

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