UV, carried away! How many ends of the world has already passed on New Year's time


Cum Light is an ancient folk fun, cheerful entertainment, which is especially convenient to timing to changing the dates on something round. So, maybe who did not notice, but the world just in such cold days was covered with a pelvis ...

... January 1, 1000

Well, very beautiful date. It would be foolish not to use it as a reason for a great whistle, right? Big Shukher arranged the then Pope - Sylvester III. Comrade he was, on the one hand, advanced, knowledgeable in mathematics and astronomy. On the other hand, it was shuffled about him that he was an astrologer and a warlock, herses with dark forces and in all important reasons the specially trained bronze head promises. In general, he said something like: Basta, ducts, dance ran out. The people frightened by the Pontiff partially rushed to pour sins and take the property of the church - it's still not useful, you need to quickly get closer to Paradise. And partly, on the contrary, hit all the grave - all the same, earthly pleasures will soon end and you have to burn in hell!

In 1001, Dad was expelled, and in a couple of years he died. The same who was very disappointed that the world accident was not set, transferred the date for 33 years, that is, exactly at the age of Christ, forward. But after 33 years, it did not work again.

... December 31, 1970

The Christian Church of the True Light was boring in North Carolina. Already Jimi Hendrix gave God to God, and Jenis Joplin moved into the world of others. The stormy sixties were replaced by boring seventies, obviously required somehow shake. American theologians-nuggets, thoroughly shining with her finger into the sky, counted that the six thousandth birthday of the entire fideline world would come under the battle of the chimes. And it means there is enough to sin and sex drugs-rock-n-roll!

... This end of the world has passed - sluggish, without a light, in the setting of universal imperverance.

... December 31, 1989

All Soviet October and Pioneers, after seeing visual agitation, were scary to be afraid of a nuclear war. Which, of course, will begin the evil American capitalists. In the meantime, the American gurus was actively predicted and no less actively prepared. The prophetess Elizabeth Claire, who gathered a completely successful sect under the sauce of the "teachings of the Ascended Vladyk,", under the dictation of higher creatures, won the collapse of the economy and large nuclear babes. These very creatures strongly recommended building high-quality bomb shelter. And the Adepta Guru Ma, as they ordered a carrier of higher knowledge, promptly built a great bunker for this business - very comfortable and comfortable, with upholstered furniture and other blesses of civilization. Bunker, they say still intact. He herself did the propheted before 2009 - and it must be assumed, ascended and now he learns what it did not work out there.

By the time of coming of the Global Trunder with Mrs. Claire, another Prophet converged - a former engineer from NASA named Edgar Wisenant. He managed to release the Talmud, offering an already 88 reasons why the second coming will be in 1988. And the book broke up simply record, millions of chairs! Fuck good interest, the providers disappointed the public: Focus failed. Then he suffered a date. Just a year. Just in the 1989th. It has already been an extremely unreasonable marketing stroke. Too quickly could be checked and disappointed again. The failed light switcher was successfully forgotten. But no one has selected the fees!

In general, a whole public institution called the Millennium Watch was engaged in America in America. So they counted that over a few years several thousand diverse editions were published on a grateful topic "Everything was gone, plaster removed, the earth flies on the heavenly axis."

... December 31, 1999

2000 - no less beautiful date than 1000, so many waited for her sweet looking and anticipation. That, everything, finally, will fract out such authorities and authorities as a round table of American researchers of the Bible of philosophers, Mastyd Mastyat Edgar Casey and Russian astrologer Vladimir Sobolev. And here also technology connected to a panic hysterical. The problem of 2000, the computer end of the world! Type stupid computers will not understand, will be recorded on January 1, 2000 as January 1, 1900 (01/01/00) - and the whole choir will be crazy. There will be no connection, everything that can rush, rushes ...

And again, and again, and again something went wrong. Trend, however!

Yes, what is there to say, if in 1999, our planet did not make a lot of non-little slow a dozen times, and seven times in 2000m! But this, we have not remembered all the others, the non-New Year's ends of the world: 7, who have happened to 1000 years, 20 to the 1900s, four more ten until the 2000th and three dozen for the pitiful 15 years of the coming century!

But do not relax, brothers and sisters! We are waiting for another 2021 with a low-touch, but frightening inversion of the magnetic field of the Earth; 2036, when an asteroid can be bought on us; 2060, when the Time of Apocalypse calculated by Newton is suitable; 2242th, when the era of the Sun will end; 3797, if you believe the letter of the Nostradamus; In 5 billion years, when the sun will absorb the land ...

Bunkers are equipped with cats, canned food? Well, with the coming!

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