12 reasons to go to the bookstore


It is believed that the era of a paper book was riveted in the fly. What another year, and humanity will completely go to the "digit", and the bookstores will turn into something like local history museums, where they will led to the guided tours of first graders. We do not believe it. In fact, there is a minimum of nine reasons to look into the nearest book.


Take a trip to the past and enjoy the society of true romantics and "paper" maniacs. In today's times, only the hero will buy beaks, not bits with bytes. In the book there are such unique types that you will certainly want to make a couple of photos. Do not limit yourself.

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Enjoy the viewing of new products. Make your own, unbiased conclusions. It is one thing, follow changes in the literary market on the Internet and read the reviews of home-grown critics, and quite another - to extract the book yourself and understand if you do not want to put her on the shelf. Let even on the virtual one.

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Get lost in the worst buddies and discover strangers, young authors for yourself. How to know, suddenly you will find on the final shelf of the "New Pelevine".

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Examine racks with bestsellers, horrible prices and preferences of compatriots and make sure that you either read these books two years ago, or they do not need it. Praise yourself for the exquisite taste and reasonable budget distribution.

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Entertain yourself high-quality printing - now it is a lot of it. Look and swell the covers, extract luxury albums with reproductions and, making sure that it is not necessary to marry the albums to the place for pleasure. Well, or carry more on the cashier, if there is no strength to part with the book.

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Give here children. The kids sincerely love real paper books with pictures and adore read right here, near the racks. Divide them with them delight and joy.

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Download a book in the network. But the author, alas, do not digitize. Only in the book you can see your favorite (or unloved) writer live. Only here you can ask him about future plans or advise you to write and do something more suitable. For example, rows on kayaks and canoes. And he will not be able to ban you.

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In the books are for sale stunning souvenir and excellent stationery. Here you can buy a decent and inexpensive handle of the chief for a birthday, stand under the paper clips in the form of a clip, as well as an unrealistic beautiful notebook - not necessarily Mescin.

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Whoever spoke to, and paper books have special magic. Perhaps you have already expelled the magic from the house, to acquire the readers and postponed with smartphones, but let yourself be at least for a long time to return to the fairy tale. Go to Book!

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