10 facts about coffee, which do not know even the most reverable coffee makers


10 facts about coffee, which do not know even the most reverable coffee makers 4145_1

Coffee is one of the most common and popular drinks in the world, but at the same time few people know at least something about this black fragrant drink. We collected the facts that you can shine in the company of colleagues on coffee pause

1. Thank you by the Swedish botany

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Let's start with the fact that coffee is a tropical plant. It was first described and called the Swedish Botany Karl Linneem in the XVIII century. The view of Coffea Arabica was also described first and named in his book Species Plantarum from 1753. The second most important kind of coffee today, Coffea Robusta, was discovered in more than a hundred years, in 1897.

2. One of the best-selling goods in the world

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Coffee is one of the most common drinks in the world that can be bought almost everywhere. According to the International Coffee Organization, in 2017, almost 10 million tons of coffee were produced, and mostly in Brazil, Vietnam, Colombia and Indonesia. Since coffee is mainly produced in developing countries, and it is consumed mainly in developed countries, they are traded literally everywhere. Moreover, coffee is actually the second largest traded goods after oil around the world.

3. The most expensive coffee is found in feces

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Kopi Luwak is the name of the most expensive coffee in the world. This coffee, which can cost more than $ 1,000 per kilogram, is made from the grains that have passed through the digestive system of the Wild Cat (Asian Palm Cywester) living on Sumatra. It is believed that it is fermentation that occurs in the digestive tract of cats (which love to enjoy fruits), gives the grains a unique fragrance, so this coffee is so expensive.

4. Caffeine is a natural pesticide

Caffeine is contained in the leaves and fruits of the coffee tree and serves as natural protection from herbivores. Thus, caffeine protects a coffee plant from insects and pest infections.

5. Robusta makes man feel more vigorous

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Robusta and Arabica are the two most important coffee views. If someone needs to focus in the near future, he should choose a robust, because it contains 50-60% more caffeine than coffee from Arabica grains. It also partly explains why Robusti trees are more resistant to disease and parasites, because caffeine is a natural substance to protect plants. However, as for taste, the quality of coffee made from the grains of Arabica is considered higher. Higher caffeine content in Robust makes coffee more bitter. And Arabica is less bitter and has a wider variety of tastes, which depend on the specific place of its cultivation.

6. The most widely consumable psychoactive drug

From a medical point of view, caffeine is classified as a stimulator of the central nervous system. It is also the most widely used psychoactive drug in the world. In the USA in 2014, 85% of adults consumed caffeine every day in one form or another (coffee, tea, cola or other caffeine-containing drinks). Overdose may cause anxiety, nervousness, excitation, insomnia, gastrointestinal disorders, tremor muscles, irregular or fast heartbeat and even death. In 25-100 cups of coffee contains a deadly caffeine dose, depending on the type of grains, the breeding method, etc.

7. Moderate consumption can benefit health

Caffeine is not only harmful. Scientific studies have shown that moderate coffee consumption has a number of health benefits, including the prevention of liver disease, an increase in sports endurance, improving cognitive functions and reducing the risk of type 2 diabetes. The 2014 Metaanalysis, published in the American journal of Epidemiology, showed that people who drank 4 cups of coffee per day had a smaller risk of death (from all reasons) than people who did not drink a fragrant drink. These results show that you can easily enjoy coffee every day, without worrying about anything.

8. Papal blessing

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When the coffee was first brought to Europe in the XVII century, he would not immediately perceive everyone. On the contrary, he was very controversial, and some even considered him a devil's drink. In 1615, in Venice, the scandal about the use of coffee was so rummaged, which had to intervene Pape Roman. He tried his drink, he found him delightful, and gave him a papal blessing.

9. Five attempts to ban coffee

Five cities or countries tried to introduce banners throughout history: Mecca in 1511, Venice in 1615, Constantinople in 1623, Sweden in 1746 and Prussia in 1777. Fortunately for everyone, none of the prohibitions lasted for a very long time. Today, coffee is consumed almost everywhere. Although coffee is closely connected with Italian and Turkish cultures, in fact he is driving more in the Scandinavian countries (Finland, Norway, Iceland and Denmark).

10. It is best to store in the refrigerator

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After the grains were roasted and ground, they are very sensitive to air, moisture, heat and light and quickly begin to deteriorate. Therefore, connoisseurs are encouraged to buy small portions of coffee and store it in a dark and cool place, for example, in the refrigerator. Whole grains can be frozen.

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