What is an eyebrow microcession and who needs it


What is an eyebrow microcession and who needs it 40954_1
Every year an increasing amount of various cosmetic compositions appears, and technology in cosmetology becomes more and more diverse and not always able to follow fashionable trends. There are quite new, and therefore there are still few well-known procedures a microcession.

This is a new kind of permanent makeup, with which it is worth getting acquainted with all girls and women wishing to look beautiful.

Features of the microcession

The name of the procedure itself seems incomprehensible to many, but there is a simpler name - a pixel spraying of eyebrows. During such procedure, the master enjoys a tattoo machine, with which the smallest points are applied in the area of ​​the eyebrows. After the procedure performed, a visual sensation arises that a special cosmetic pencil, powder or shadow was used. The procedure is carried out with a very small introduction of the needle in the skin, and therefore painful sensations almost do not arise, in contrast to other methods of eyebrows. After the procedure and for a long time, the effect of just applied makeup is preserved.

Who needs to take advantage of such a procedure?

With any problems with eyebrows, during the application of makeup, you have to pay a lot of time to this area. The microcessing procedure conducted in a good salon, real masters, is suitable in the presence of such problems as: the irregularity of tone, roasting and thin eyebrows, asymmetry, uneven delicti, light or dim color, burned eyebrows, a significant difference between the color of hair and eyebrows. This procedure will allow for a long time to forget about the use of cosmetics for eyebrows, as they will always look neat, beautiful.

The advantages and disadvantages of the microcession

Such a procedure has a lot of advantages. And first of all the opportunity to obtain the effect of natural eyebrows as a result, but it is precisely very fashionable now. Eyebrows seem bulk, thick. The procedure practically does not cause pain and full healing takes place in just a week. In this case, there are no traces, even micro-borders. In addition, this procedure does not cause irritation even among representatives of weak gender with the delicate skin.

The disadvantages include the impossibility of creating clear boundaries of eyebrows, as a result, all lines are softer and smooth, and not everyone likes the effect of naturalness. The main disadvantage of the microcessing is that in a month it is necessary to go back to the cosmetologist for the correction. The main procedure and correction will be enough to maintain the effect within 12-18 months.

Preparation for microstinu

Before you go to the salon for such a procedure, you should define the color of the eyebrows and choose a bend. During the procedure, painkillers are used, and that their action does not decrease, alcoholic beverages can not be used a few days before the procedure. Two weeks before the microcessing should not be sunbathing, a week to refuse to receive drugs for the kneading blood, to the number of which applies aspirin, to abandon several days from scrubies and not to apply makeup.

Care after microcession

First, the eyebrows will seem very bright. It is important not to worry about this, since after some time the color will become different and there will be only 40-60% of the pigment used. The area of ​​the eyebrows blushes because of the punchanged needle, a few days is permissible to the selection of Sukrovitsy. There are recommendations that will make the healing process less painful and faster. You can not bathe in the bathroom, visit the solarium and sauna, sunbathing.

It is not desirable to fall on the eyebrow zone, you can not touch these places with your hands to accidentally do not affect the infection. All crusts must be discharged independently, it is not allowed to rotate, as this can lead to a change in shape and longer healing of wounds. A beautician necessarily after the procedure will tell what means you can use for healing and disinfection of eyebrows.

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