Without plastics: The most popular rejuvenation procedures for women 40+


Without plastics: The most popular rejuvenation procedures for women 40+ 40948_1

After forty years, women have to pay a lot of time to their skin if there is a desire to preserve and extend the youth. Many know about plastic surgery, just not everyone is ready, falls on the operation, and it is not necessary, since there are a large number of other ways to rejuvenate.

Peeling with special compositions

After forty years, women are advised to conduct medium peeling procedures. Before the procedure, careful cleansing of the skin is carried out, after which a special composition is applied to it. The basis of it can be retinol, fruit acids or salicylic acid. The most gentle is considered to peeling with a remedy for retinol. It is important to know that such a procedure is not very pleasant and after her face is very burning. The average peeling thoroughly cleans the dead skin and partially affects the keratine layer, thereby making it faster to restore, which leads to smoothing wrinkles, makes the skin more elastic.

Ultrasonic suspender

This is a way of rejuvenation, which is a serious competitor for serious plastic operations. To date, the most famous and common is Ulthera, during which the ultrasonic waves are impact on the skin, muscle. At this time, they warm up and independently begin to shrink. As a result, collagen begins to be more active, contributing to the smoothing of wrinkles, and a durable face frame is still formed.

Contour plastic

This procedure is recommended after laser peeling. Many women and girls enjoy her after 20 years, but experts say that before forty years it is better not to do this, and after the age specified by them, this is one of the best ways to extend the youth, preserving beauty. The peculiarity of the contour plastic is to be introduced into problem areas of stabilized hyaluronic acid. It makes a suspender in the right places, contributes to the smoothing of wrinkles, launches the process of rejuvenation, stimulates the production of collagen. The effect of contour plastics is preserved from six months to a year.

High-quality massage

In good salons, women wishing to be rejected after forty years can offer professional massage. It is not necessary to immediately refuse, since this procedure gives a good result, which can be compared with the introduction of some injections. The best result gives a massage, which is carried out by a specialist through an open mouth, as it helps to accelerate the microcirculation, gives drainage effect.


Many salons offer to take advantage of such a procedure at which non-flaws of body skin and face affect light pulses. The result from the procedure will not be noticeable immediately, but approximately a month later, but it will be possible to reduce the extended pores, to reduce the vascular mesh, get rid of surface and even deep wrinkles, get rid of hyperpigmentation.

Injections Botox

This is one of the most famous procedure that can be carried out after forty years. At this time, the synthesis of collagen decreases significantly, and active facial expressions contributes to the appearance of wrinkles. With the introduction of botulinumsin, muscle activity is blocked, which does not allow to form new wrinkles and contributes to the smoothing of existing ones.

Laser use

With its help, professional cosmetologists carry out grinding. It looks like a peeling, but only instead of a solution applies a laser. Its power in front of each procedure is configured depending on the age of the client, as well as on what state is the skin.

Use of threads aptos, meso

Such a procedure is called bioarming and is also a serious competitor for classic plastic operations. These special threads of the wizard can lay throughout the female person or in some specific zones that need correction. The threads are introduced into the face of the client by a specialist through very little punctures. The result of such a procedure is preserved within 2-3 years.

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