How to restore eyelashes after extension


How to restore eyelashes after extension 40944_1
In recent years, a huge number of new procedures have appeared in cosmetology, including eyelash extensions. It turned out to be very attractive and many women prefer to hold it to forget about the need for daily use of special carms that would attach volume and / or increased the length of eyelashes.

Experts call this procedure absolutely safe for eyelashes, just after several buildings of women and girls note that their own eyelashes become depleted weak. At this time, it is important to take care of them, help them to recover as quickly as possible.

Help eyelashes

Noting such a problem with eyelashes, it is important not to be upset. Over time, they will come to normal, and time will need not so much if a complex care is used. . Mandatory in such a situation should pay attention to the skin of the eye, use special compositions for the age. A good tool, which perfectly soothes the skin, is considered a chamomile decoction. It should be mixed with cotton wheels, put on closed eyelids and relax so fifteen minutes.

For the eyelashes themselves, for the period of restoration, it is best to purchase professional cosmetics and use it in obligatory before applying a carcass. If there are problems with the acquisition of such compositions, it is possible to limit the castor oil, which has a positive effect on the restoration of the structure and contributes to a more rapid growth of the eyelashes. It is important to pay attention and nutrition, from which the female organism should receive in sufficient vitamins and trace elements, which is also necessary during the recovery period of the eyelashes.

Compresses and masks

The representatives of the weak gender, which decided to give the eyelashes to rest and recover, can produce different useful procedures at home. You can easily and just make a mask that fit the bulb and stimulates the growth of eyelashes. A good and inexpensive composition can be prepared from aloe and vitamin E, it can also be supplemented with parsley juice. The resulting means is applied for 20 minutes, and then removed from the eyelashes using a conventional wet napkin.

When lagging out eyelashes, especially when this is the consequence of inflammation, it is important to do compresses regularly. At the same time, you can use chandelts, sage, chamomile. After fifteen minute procedures, it will be necessary to just wash the water.

Use of oils

Earlier, castor oil has already been mentioned, which has a positive effect on the eyelashes, but not necessarily limited to them, you can use other oils. A good result is given by almond and sea buckthorn oil. You can immediately mix several types and use the composition like a mask, which is washed off after 15 minutes of influence on the roots of the cilia. Oil along the entire length of the eyelashes can be applied overnight and wash off the composition only in the morning. The simultaneous reception of complex vitamin compositions, in which Vitamins A, E, D are present, will accelerate the recovery process of oils.

Full nutrition

Wanting, after the eyelashes extension in a short time recovered, an attractive appearance has become stronger, it has become stronger, it is important to revise your diet. Most of all, croup, fruits, vegetables, nuts and dairy products should be present in the diet. Choosing baking, you should give preference to coarse flour products. In the listed products are contained in a large number of vitamins A and E, vitamins of group B, iron, ascorbic acid and calcium.

Duration of treatment

Starting rehabilitation procedures, every representative of weak gender wants to know how much time it takes. It is impossible to name the exact period, as it depends on how strong damage was. If there was no technology and eyelashes during the extension, it was seriously affected, in this case the recovery can delay, will take more than a month.

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