Why a woman is very difficult to be a careerist


Why a woman is very difficult to be a careerist 4094_1

It is believed that in our "civilized" society a woman has long been already equal to a man. We do not agree with this. Because it is not. If you take a career, then really everything is like.


Why a woman is very difficult to be a careerist 4094_2
A man should make a career. The world is waiting for him by the achievements, exploits and success on the chosen field, he is like astronaut. Waved his hand. Told "Let's go"! And here he is in a brilliant rocket, all such a beautiful, sorrows the expanses of the universe, and everyone around frozen in admiration is waiting for it, when he is revealed to the sun itself. And at home he - the rear. And caring rear workers.

You can do a woman career, but not that you need. Well, that is, at the time of the winning feminism, it seems to be necessary, but all-things are the main vocation of a woman? Right. Family and children. So, dear woman, do not care that you dreamed of becoming an oilman all my life, be a good one to realize as a wife and mother, and the rest then ... then. In free from the main female work time. And do not forget that you are the same "rear" for your cosmonaut.


The male careerist is confident that his career is not only his career, but also the future of its numerous (well, or small but valuable) offspring. That is, he doesn't just seek to become the main assistant to the senior manager of the sales department of the Sales Department. He does it (not sleeping at night) for descendants, which, thanks to his tireless work, will begin his life with a higher social stage. That is, a male career is this great sacrifice on the altar of the genus and civilization. And the man himself is a kind of Prometheus, no less.

And a woman? And what a woman? She takes his career with her career the main thing - the maternal love takes away. Well, at the same time home cutlets, my ears, proven homework and joint viewing of cartoons. Does it work the financial director of a large machine-building corporation? So what? Deturbs are still not fed with cakes.

So says society, it considers "Prometheus", so thinks Mom Prometheus, and the main thing is the woman itself. Sits at a meeting in its engineering corporation and suffers from the fact that I did not have time yesterday, the cutlets of freshly pressing. Yes, and the children, sometimes, so think and write mom (already unfortunate) the fat hearts of SMS "Mom, did you forget to cook dinner again?"


Male careerist is just a male careerist. Socium forgives him the flaws of appearance once and for all. If he is beautiful, then he is just a handsome male careerist, if ugly, then a clever muzhne careerist. At the same time, it is always sexually attractive. So, if he is a meter with a cap, plump, punching and humpback - still handsome. Because the man does not paint appearance, but purposeful (well, another wallet, but we will lower this moment).

Why a woman is very difficult to be a careerist 4094_3
Wherever such a man does not appear, immediately he becomes the object of attention, lust and love of the opposite sex. In general, Apollo Belvedere and that's it. Career for an externally middle woman - minus one hundred to sex apple. Because who in the right mind will come to the head to flirt from the Management Bank or the same Finned-Marine Engineering Corporation.

First, scary. Secondly, it is not clear how to care for her and what to offer (well, if you are certainly not new-seater), thirdly, "Baba, who chose a career, by definition of frigid." Well, so usually they say about it, although in fact it is a typical "green grapes". And vice versa, if a female careerist is good, to all obviously what place she made this career. So, it is possible to offer her further "career growth" through the place. Well, fun, something!


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The wife of a male careerist in the eyes of society is a happy woman who was lucky to meet smart, volitional and generally class guy. Therefore, when she accompanies his faithful to different events, they look with respect, reverence and envy. Typically, a careerist's wife is really satisfied with its position and proudly wears fur, diamonds and status.

Woman's careerist husband - a sad meaningless something, a podkinnik, a slim and nothingness. So says society, although trying to pretend. So the husband's husband is a kind of prince-consort, which is brought into the world as a bustle with a bow. Skaps look at him, slowly giggle and suggest to themselves, that he has little not only a position and salary, but also know what. My husband suffers from it, regularly stones, remembers "who in the house is a man" and suits stupid, liquid, but offensive scandals.

Relatives and other near environment

Male careerist - family pride, joy of friends and barin. It is accepted to fuck, undead and pamper. They are customary to admire, he is brought to the example of young people, and the old people say "he is all in me." It is careful for his success more than the weather forecast. And any family or friendly gatherings sooner or later rolling to the discussion of his extraordinary person and a brilliant career.

Careerist woman is a strange freak, something mean between Krozhaz and Guinplane, and in general it is not clear where she was born. In words, she is also proud, but among themselves all relatives have long decided that she is an unfortunate woman, devoid of something (here everyone sighs meaningfully) the most important thing. Femininity! (here everyone sighs again).

Why a woman is very difficult to be a careerist 4094_5
The presence of a woman's careerist husband and children does not justify her "deformities". Because they are "poor things" and she "the family threw, kids are not fed with cakes, the corners are not soot." Careerist is always forced to justify himself for his career luck and constantly prove that she still has time and cutlets ... well, not as often as I would like, but last year ... here everyone sighs again and begin to discuss the extraordinary identity of any common acquaintance male.


To the question, "And what are you doing" a male careerist always with Bravada can declare that he is a cosmonaut, a scientist, writer, banker, driver and aestishnik. It increases its status in the eyes of strangers, makes it important, in demand and steep. The male careerist will not come to mind that he is just a cosmonaut and nothing more. Because the astronaut. Surrounding spaces. Cool.

A career woman comes immediately after she stated that she was chamorally a little cosmonaut add. "And I have a husband, two children and I am excellent kinnik. Because if she does not say that, she will still ask, nodding sympathy. "Do you have kids? And married? "

Dress code

Why a woman is very difficult to be a careerist 4094_6
A careerist man can wear a business suit, and anything and anything. In the worst case, he will seek an eccentric type and cute eccentric. Dranny jeans, colored socks, earrings in the ear and even kilt - anyway "cute eccentric." And try the female careerist put on a job a guipure blouse! And latex jumpsuit! Presented? So how?

Is she "eccentric cutie" or still tasteless vulgar aunt? And at the same time, she can be in joke to wear latex jumpsuit and the Pavlovo-Poshesky handkerchief from above.

Colleagues and subordinates

Male careerist may not love, do not recognize, do not respect, but to understand it will always be. He goat, but the goat is explained. He spoiled, because the goat, did not raise the salary, because the goat, did not sign an application for his vacation - well, the goat, the deedlanine came, the goat ... everything is honest.

A careerist woman will get much more offensive labels. We do not even want to list them, because disgusting. But I know exactly what "goat" it is not separated. And because "work under the woman" in our society is still considered something, gently say, strange.

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