8 breakfast products from which nutritionists advise to refuse


8 breakfast products from which nutritionists advise to refuse 40917_1
Breakfast is an integral part of a healthy nutrition. But at the same time, it is equally important and what is used in the morning. The products that entered our list are very often eaten for breakfast, nevertheless nutritionists insist that they better refuse them.

1. Cornflakes

Corn flakes are so actively advertised as a quick, satisfying and useful breakfast, which many acquire and use them almost mechanically. But in fact, everything is somewhat different than it rather than demonstrate marketers.

In the treated flakes of valuable fiber, very few, but quick carbohydrates and sugar are full. Such a meal leads to a rapid jump of blood sugar levels. And you do not need to go into the details of what it is fraught with the body - many and so well know. It only grabs that after the morning reception of a portion of flakes, a strong sense of hunger will arise, and throughout the day the mood jumps will be marked.

But if you don't want to give up the usual flakes at all, it is not better to use them in pure form, but with crushed almonds, flax seeds, berries, etc. Thus, the body will go valuable fiber.

2. Fast cooking oatmeal

Stewed oatmeal is preparing very quickly and saves time, only there is practically no benefit for the body from it. The same fiber in it is the minimum. But the most interesting thing is that it takes the usual oatmeal to take only 10 minutes more. Is it worth saving for a minimum at such a difference in favor?

Natural oatmeal without additional factory processing, from the morning charges with energy, nourishes the body with complex carbohydrates, which improve the work of the brain, and a whole near the vitamins. Using oatmeal in the children's diet, prepare it better on milk.

Those who in the morning there is not even 10 minutes for cooking porridge, you can advise the recipe for oatmeal in the bank. In this case, breakfast will be prepared back from the evening - just pour the required amount of porridge and pour it into a selection of kefir, milk or yogurt. And so that porridge is even tastier, add maple syrup, jam, honey or dried fruits into it.

3. Smoothie from "jars"

The smoothie has long appear on the pictures associated with healthy nutrition. However, despite all the benefits, there is one "but" ... Let's start with the fact that some fruits that are part of these beverages cannot be used on an empty stomach, due to their high acidity and the presence of coarse fiber. But serious harm can cause store smoothies, which contain many chemicals and preservatives. Sweetness is attached to a similar drink due to the large volume of corn syrup, and the density is ensured by the use of starch.

The perfect way out for lovers of the morning smoothie is to prepare it yourself, using the admissible products in the recipe. In addition, in this way, you can cook a variety of drinks every day, enriching them with an additional benefit using flax seeds, for example, or spinach.

4. Donuts

Lush, air and fragrant - well, how can you resist? And it is not necessary - in the first half of the day you can pamper yourself with such a dessert, but not only for breakfast. Fat, sugar and carbohydrates are not the best way to start your day. If you deny yourself in a ponchik, you are simply not able, then harmonize your breakfast proteins - for example, boiled eggs or nuts. And it is better to replace donuts to more useful cheese crops cooked in the oven.

5. Toasts

Toasts also belong to a rapid breakfast option, but they do not have a squirrel who would give saturation. Surifying toasts in the morning, the feeling of hunger will return, and there is no benefit from them. However, if the toasts like strongly, it is possible and not to refuse them, it will be enough to simply introduce protein products in the morning ration - omelet with vegetables, for example. And for frying bread it is better to use whole grain bread.

6. Buil with butter

It was from the bun with an oil that was once breakfast of each second adult. Such a sandwich was perfectly combined with a cup of tea, and now with coffee. That's just a small bun in a cooling butter combination with calorie can even peel 4 pieces of white bread. And a huge minus of such breakfast, again, in large quantities of sugars, in the absence of protein and calorie. For breakfast, it is better to pick up unsweetened buns from whole grain flour, and a creamy oil is replaced by avocado.

7. Energy bars

A very popular breakfast among those who are used to to eat on the go - they are affordable, quickly quench the hunger, they are delicious drinking with coffee. But they have no benefit that breakfast should carry. It is much better to look at the dietary bars, which are mainly consisting of nuts, cereals and dried fruits. But even they can not be trusted by 100% - before buying such a bar, it is necessary to read the composition so as not to get a huge dose of fats and sugars. For those who like to eat useful, you can recommend to prepare useful bars yourself, and even better, eat clean cereals in the form of porridge.

8. Yogurts

All the same advertising claims that the morning reception of yogurt is the best thing that can happen in the human diet. However, this stereotype is incorrect - optimal time for yogurt - a few hours after a full breakfast, or before going to bed. It is at this time that the product will bring maximum benefit.

In general, harm from natural yogurt can not be the only thing, you just misunderstand a part of its valuable properties. But preferred is better than yogurt with natural composition, in which there is no sugar. And to sweeten it - just add some berries.

Empty plate

Unfortunately, despite all the benefits of breakfast, many prefer not to eat anything in the morning. Morning food facilities contributes to the restoration of the energy balance after night rest, with its help the body is charged with nutrients and valuable vitamins. People who deprive themselves breakfast are more prone to overeating during the day and, as a result, to problems with digestion.

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