Together or apart: when it is necessary to break relationships


Together or apart: when it is necessary to break relationships 40908_1

All his life, a person is building relations with others. This can be anything - friendship, romantic attachment, professional or creative union. There are so many options, and it is important to understand that in any case can something go wrong.

Misunderstanding, betrayal or just a burden to go together - the mass of troubles and difficulties happen. There are cases when it makes sense to save relationships, and it happens that they need to be divided immediately. It is necessary to understand and feel many subtleties in order not to experience the most different suffering, as well as to receive a maximum of positive sensations in this area.

Any relationship - first of all with himself

Do not forget, whatever relationships in your life happen, one of their participants, and the main thing for you is you yourself. Listen to yourself. What do you want to want? Are you comfortable in relationships? Why? It is impossible to ignore yourself. It makes no sense to seek warmth. It should be born and evolved within you. Remember this and feel fully fully. You have you, and you will handle any situation. Just remember that you have human rights to be respected in any respect. If this is not the case - you have the right to stop everything. You have a choice. You have the opportunity to change situations and attitude towards them.

The most important thing is you by default deserve acceptance, recognition, love. First of all, let yourself it yourself.

Emotional cargo of relationships with parents

Therefore, almost all parents "reward" their children with one or another emotional cargo. It is important to understand this - you by default transfers something from relationships with your dad and my mother in your adult life. They can strongly affect how your life is being built. If you notice that something is wrong - the likely the likelihood that you can change the situation through awareness. If in childhood you suffered from your own parents - it is important to burnt around, accept it, because to change, what was in the past is already impossible. You can change only your attitude. When will be ready - forgive parents. It is worth understanding - they did not do something in harm to harm, but just somehow tried to survive, drown out their own pain, cope.

Sometimes it requires high-quality long-term therapy to study the problem of relationships with parents.

Rules of any relationship

Remember - you are a free person. But your freedom ends where the freedom of another begins. No one belongs to you. Like you. In relations more valuable to give and not to build expectations. If you are self-sufficient personality - the approval of others will be a pleasant bonus for you. Obtain relationships or continue to build them - in each case it is worth solving individually. Remember that relations are building two, and a mutual interest is needed.

Carefully weigh the value of the relationship if they bring discomfort. There is a chance that they have exhausted themselves.

Strive to be an independent person - then there will be a higher probability to build a healthy relationship.

The question together or apart is purely individual. But, probably, asking for a break, you will soon find a response for myself, considering all the important arguments for you.

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