How to survive the rupture


How to survive the rupture 40906_1

No wonder they say that parting is a little death. The rupture of the relationship is the strongest psychological trauma, however, every person experienced this injury. Another question is that some suffering lasts for years, while others - in six months already live a happy life and are looking for their soul mate. So how are you to survive parting with your loved one as soon as possible?

When there are two loving person, a feeling arises, as if it is there is a second half and this person (more precisely, his image) settles in the head and in the heart. For this reason, after parting, the psyche should adapt to external changes. Adaptation usually lasts from six months and longer depending on the individual characteristics of the person and takes place in several stages: shock and denial. Stage, when people just broke up and the affected side refuses to accept the fact of the gap. At this stage, a person falls self-esteem and faith disappears into his own strength. It seems that this is the end and there is no future, or it will not be, and it is no longer possible to live. At this stage, I want to forget, and people use alcohol or even drugs for this, but it does not solve the problem.

What to do?

1. Do not fall into depression for a long time: you can stay in a state of whining and sadness can be a week - two, and then it is worth moving on 2. Do not live illusions that the partner will return and not come to contact, despite the temptation to remind itself, it will only strengthen the spiritual pain. It is also necessary to take, finally, the fact that the beloved left. 3. Analyze your mistakes otherwise they will be repeated in the following relationships. And only after that the next stage will begin.


The stage when the whole negative accumulates and becomes noticeable shortcomings of a partner. At this stage, you need to throw out all emotions, otherwise they will remain in the subconscious for a long time and can poison the following relationships.

Adoption and awareness

The stage, when a person accepts what happened and gradually returns to her former life. At this stage, emotions are gradually submitting, and the mind begins to work. And only now, a person understands that it is likely that these relationships were not available and it is worth making some experience from them.

What to do?

First of all, it is understood that the relationship has become another step towards happiness. It is also important to understand what exactly these relationships were taught. Write a letter, which says everything that has not been said before, for one reason or another, and be sure to thank for the presented experience, whatever it is.


At the last stage, a person has already realized his mistakes and understands that when the walls are crumbling, horizons open. At this stage, faith in itself and self-esteem are returned to the norm and an abominated person is ready for new relations and bright happy life.

What to do?

Invest as much as possible: 1. Take a sport. 2. Change image. 3. Find or recall your favorite hobby.

This list may be infinite, but it is a push to a new happy life and the more to do now, the better life will be harmonious.

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