Why don't you believe tour operators and what they are lying


Why don't you believe tour operators and what they are lying 40900_1

And today, not everyone is decided to organize their vacation with their own hands, but prefers to contact operators. But in fact, this is not the best conclusion, as customers for operators - clean water business and most importantly under any sauce squeeze more money from them. And so, when in no case cannot believe tour operators. We will tell you everything.

Last minute trips!

Last minute - So cheap? Where did you get? Strictly speaking, you promised burning, not budget. According to logic, such tours and the truth should be distinguished to differ from the usual at the price, but a rare tourist gives itself the work to compare the burning price with a non-rigging - in amazement to find that the burning for some reason is as much as it is not more expensive.

Oh, somehow you have little

You bought a tour, made depilation and sat on the suitcase to wait for departure. And here, yes a couple of days before departure from behind the curtains, the travel agent comes out and says that the group chosen by you does not recruit. But you do not worry, you can fly in three days - the truth, with a surcharge, some miserable 300 euros. Well, or want, we will refund

Tourist - he is like a small child. Premonition of the sea, vacation and buckets of the Pinacolade shuts off protective mechanisms and critical thinking. Ignorance of the language and local orders makes a traveler with easy prey of all sorts of fraudsters, and first of all - tour operators. But PICS.RU Looks!


E money - that's through the month of grandmother, we will give everything away. For one working days.

Who are you, we do not know you


One day comes a whole crowd of tourists to one pleasant boarding house in Adler. Everyone booked rooms on the official website, all rank chinarem. And the owners of the boarding house about this is neither a dream, and where to give this invasion, do not know. The official website through which travelers booked rooms, turned out to be pure water fake. And this site pension was not at all, everything is in an old way, through the phone. Such stories are actually a car. Book hotels through agencies or booking systems.

Find ten differences

The picture of the beach chosen by you from the booklet is not necessarily a photo of this is the beach. Very often it's just a picture from the photo bank. The picture is azure waves and palm trees over the empty sand strip, and on the spot - the holiday soup, the construction of the century right on the line of the surf and the bottle from under the soda is having fun in the waves. Do not be lazy to search for real photos of the place where you are crushed.

Short week

Here is a task for arithmetic: Masha bought a 7-day tour. How many days will she spend at the resort? The correct answer is 5. Because the day of departure and the day of arrival are considered for 2 whole days, even if Masha brought to the hotel at midnight, and drove at dawn. From the point of view of travel agency, a weekly tour is a trip for 6 nights. Strictly speaking, it is not even a layout, but such arithmetic should be considered.

Baleti chefed


This wiring is especially critical for those whom the company is ready to generously pay for vacation tickets. Suppose you buy a tour for some pretty crazy grandmas and the tour operator assures you that the tour is inexpensive, but the gold tickets, air carriers have already been brought away, break the hellish price tag. From the cost of the ticket and the truth is separated by gray. But the office pays - you think you and saigare in your Prague. But when the time comes from the tour operator, a certificate about the cost of the ticket, it turns out that he cost some kind of pennies. But nothing can be done and you will not prove anything.

Rooms in this hotel are over, we will now arrange you in another, better

Overbooking - a phenomenon in the hotel business is normal. The hotel has 100 rooms, and they sell 110 - anyway 10 people at the last moment will refuse or be afraid of the plane. Well, if not? Then you have to settle in the hotel of the same level or threshing. This is if a decent tour operator. Indeptly originally plans to settle you in your honest 4 *. For you, who paid the expensive hotel, the room is seized in a three-star inn of the courtyard overlooking the construction site and the garbage. In the compensation for disappointment, you may have a fruit cutting price of three local tugrics. Most tourists decide not to click and do not spoil their vacation, and there is a badly dragging suitcases in the survived survivor - on this tour operators and count.

Stars Gusnut

The voucher said that the Blue Sea Hotel is a respectable five-star institution. But on its facade there are only 4 stars. One obviously fell off. Or simply encoded the tour operator. Well, you will not be scandaling because of some stars? Check the level of the hotel on its website before signing the contract. The sprocket tour operators merry very, very often.

Do not go out into the city, there you will be stolen, imagine chumka and sell to slavery on galleys


The guide is experienced, it is visible. Probably, the truth is not easy to drive in a hot spot, it is better not to risk and walking from the pool to the buffet. No company will turn you into the epidemic zone and hostilities. The world for the hotel fence is not so dangerous as they describe the guides from the tour accompanying. But it is roughly twice as cheaper and 10 times more interesting. Of course, the operator does not want to do not want you to spend about it and stop spending their money in the hotel, where the shogging scheme from the tourist is already running and worked out. We even somehow got a guide, which assured that the entire coast of Vietnam scholars tee sharks, and only a piece of the beach at his hotel is safe.

But we have a very convenient transfer to the traditional restaurant, where local hang out

Practice shows that restaurants, spa salons and other places where the delivery of tourists from a large hotel is established, approximately one and a half - two times more expensive - the same quality. And these are always places designed exclusively on tourists who do not consider money. There were no local plates there.

Sightseeing tour - the best way to get acquainted with the local life!

The sightseeing tour is the best way to spend money on nonsense, which in all lavages is three times less. Almost everywhere under the turnover of the "sightseeing tour" hides a cross to the pripers of shops and factories.

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