7 reliable ways to defeat annoying mother-in-law


7 reliable ways to defeat annoying mother-in-law 40896_1

They say that there are good, smart and unnamed mother-in-law and we, of course, believe in it. We and in Santa Claus we believe, because in life there should be a miracle place. However, as practice shows, a miracle does not always happen.

Intelligence fight

The mother-in-law declares suddenly when you decided to relax a little. As it calculates the right moment - science is unknown, but you should lie on a slide of chewned sheets with a tablet in one hand and mojito in another, my mother-in-room. Her goal is to catch you for something shameful (it would be better, of course, with a mulatte lover, but "Mojito" will also come down). "Oh. I'm not on time? Well, rest recreation, daughter. " Be sure that after a minute she comes a "poor boy" that he married an alcoholic. And she warned it.

Decision: Without a prior call to the threshold, the mother-in-law is not allowed. A couple of times will be offended, then puts up.

Attack mother schchami

"You've lost some weight. What? Can't cook "? "The mother-in-law will definitely say that when a" poor boy "will run to her after working in secret from you. With you, she will sigh and give out something like: "Kushai-eat, son. Although mom you have fun, "so that everyone has been realized, who is the right woman here, and who is a bead from the sewing pin. And do not try to make excuses with your Bruschetta and other overtooks in Gascon. Only mother's weekly soup are able to return the poor man to life.

Decision: Hand with reverence. Carefully install a miraculous recipe. Promise to realize tomorrow. To safely score.

Sniper shooting

You are a living person, so you will inevitably be mistaken. Well, there is a woolen sweater on the ninety degrees, or randomly speck the compote. Now, God forbid you in the rustling of idiotic frankness Share this with my mother-in-law. All your bugs are entered into a separate memory cell, they are analyzed there, and then the portion is issued under the sauce "Your Evaluation". Even in thirty years, the marriage mother-in-law will remember you and failed compote and forgotten in the hairdresser's baby. Just so that you do not relax.

Decision: Nothing mother-in-law not to tell, but if it will definitely ask "who shed compote" to be silent, as partisans at the interrogation. Who is who? Pushkin.

Carpet bombing of whining

"Something I drank again," "You threw me" and "no one will bring me to the old mother of a kefirchik." Familiar? Mommy requires attention! If you are categorically occupied, then a scored toilet, swine flu will go to the move, brain slug and bubonic plague, so you still have to cut to the mother-in-law through the entire city. In fact, it turns out that the bubonic plague suddenly cleared, but there is a pan and mountain gossip.

Decision: Go, have soup, listen gossip. To endure. Treat with humor. In the end, you will ever ever be old.

Subversive activities

"Before you were not so," she will say and wait for her lips in a significant pause. So meaningful to even the moron realize that "before," is before marriage with you. If your son does not imbued enough, mommy will explain the naive crumb on his fingers, which terrible it became, Crochkin, life. For example, so far the unfortunate baby walks in last year's shoes, some of them buys fifth boots. And this "someone" regularly makes themselves manicure instead of having to make bastard slanting dinner. And in general, someone long ago saddled the crochkina neck and rides. Where does it go? No matter. In Saratov, for example.

Decision: Hoping that your husband is a reasonable man, with a healthy psyche and a good sense of humor. Well, buy shoes to him, otherwise what is he in old?

Diversion in the rear

Particularly insidious mother-in-law, as well as mother-in-law, which has already tried all his arsenal and suffered a fiasco, will certainly turn to regular sabotage in your rear. Under the pretext, "I will sit with grandchildren" or "Cutlets will bring", she will go to your house and starts to bring his order there. She mercilessly eliminates the refrigerator from the arugula, shapes the "arrows" iron on jeans, will load the wine cabinet "farmers" hammers and with special love will spread your pants with neat triangles.

Decision: Stitcher in the bud. Wants to sit with grandchildren and help in the farm - thank you very much, but only within the framework of agreements. And no hammers with triangles.

Sudden invasion

"I am to visit you until May." Hello, nightmare nightmare! Alas, not only remote mother-in-law do. Just with remote, it's easier - sooner or later such a mother-in-law collects the belongings and goes the ravoisi, convinced that her son is about to drive into the coffin. But the mother-in-law, suddenly settling the repair, in connection with which he had decided to disadvantaged from the "kids", or even worse - the mother-in-law, penetrating family bonds and thoroughly move to the "kids" forever - a bloody thriller with a slid of ash in the final. Yours, by the way, ash.

Decision: Resist until the last drop of blood. Having disabled the lack of housing, upcoming pregnancy, nymphomania, lunatism and allergies on soup. And if the scary still happened - to immediately take the power in his hands, to hardly explain who is the hostess here and disagree to compromises. Well, okay, soup on Fridays and the Canal "Home" can sometimes be survived.

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