What takes the power of strength and how to restore them


What takes the power of strength and how to restore them 40886_1

Life, of course, is such a tense thing that there are no Jowle to do it. But we all (lives) often also help, spending strength in good. Because not only the Chinese Komsomol members create a difficult thing to overcome them with honor!

For unnecessary energy waste, we usually use at least nine faithful techniques. If you need to slow down any activity and earn brutal fatigue - we advise you to apply them as often as possible!

"Close your eyes and everything will disappear"

What do we have to do: Do not take a piece of reality, especially what is happening.

You do not want that in this best of the worlds there is such a unreasonable garbage as a crisis, or marital treason, or poisoning with a beach cake. Therefore, it simply cannot happen, has no right. And if the crisis did not happen for a few years, the husband was an exemplary soup of as many years, and with the previous five pies somehow carried out (and now it suddenly carried in a different sense) ... That this definitely cannot be, because this can not To begone! And you spend the whole fever of your soul on passionate negation and energetic shock in the sand. It is, of course, more exciting than to recognize the problem and start solving it.

"All is well, beautiful marquise"

What do we have to do: Good mine with a bad game.

In this classic game "Strong Guy" periodically love to play and fragile young ladies. "What's wrong with you, are you so pale green and crying, something happened?" - Speakly ask the neighbor. "Who is a crocodile, am I crocodile?! Yes, I will survive you! You do not know Panicovsky. Panikovsky will sell you all, buy and sell again! " - You are upset and strengthen armor from the powder. The farther into the forest, the thicker partisans: and the powder you need more and more, and the neighbor is scattered, shrugged: it is all better than everyone. And then it turns out that in fact you are the Sarochka, which is worse than all, but forces to call for the rescue no longer: they left for her to fight off.

"What is the coming day for me?"

What do we have to do: Imagine possible horrors.

What takes the power of strength and how to restore them 40886_2

Everything is gone, all. You lost a passport in this forgotten hole. He always was always with you in a special pocket pocket. Pulled out. Now look for the embassy. And there for sure the saber-toothed nonhumanoids are sitting. And they will not understand you. And put. And in prison they are fed with chopeds, and then every other day. And never will be released. And all your relatives there at home will rush with a high cliff. And your favorite ficus will be sold into slavery. It is clear that ask you to look into the bedside table and the handbag at this moment is useless. Only when you finally fall exhausted by noncalcory choppedrants and compassion for a ficus, you find that it is in the bedside table. Do not ficus, but passport. Actually, this simplified example illustrates very many situations when we are killed about the terrible perspectives - which, firstly, can be avoided, slightly penetrating the booty, and secondly, they would not come. Divorce and problems at work - in this category recognized leaders.

"And then I answer him! .."

What do we have to do: Scroll and invent post-facts.

Ecumenical law working is not worse: at the moment when you are insulting, pouring it or something else is expensive - most often you open your mouth and grab the air of Zhabro. Five minutes later, it starts to be brightened in the brain, and chosen from the explosion mumble: "We had to say: and you ..." An hour later, Shakespeare's scenes with you are already played in it. You will send thunder and amaze offenders with lightning, demonically laughing and squeakly rushing into a purple cloak. And in parallel with this, there is another action: it painfully hurts to realize that everything went wrong in life - and you flashed in the role of a little frightened mouse. There are so many energy with nemesides with nemesides that it would be possible to plow the field with one hand, and another write "King Lira."

"That's always ..."

What do we have to do: As widely as possible to generalize and generalize any particular.

Hurray, my startup is already a week, normal flight, I already have the first client. Now everything will be cool! Blue horizons and diamond islands are waiting for me ahead. I will buy a flag for the yacht. And what: after a week the trouble is bored - and the cause of the trouble will be only the cunning of the neighbors. Gypsum remove, the client leaves. The chef is gone. Never, I never come to me, all attempts were vain. I'll go get drunk in a "screwdriver". From the same opera - the immortal classic "we will always understand each other with a half-clow" and "I will never be able to love anyone anymore." Both of these extremes are so mentally laborious that no possibilities do not allow relationships. I once, I am or a passage, or suffer.

"Drag out with the fence"

What do we have to do: Calibrate on something one and hammer into one point, not leaving any step.


As a rule, we want not ice cream cream-brulee, and not red "Ferrari", and not this high blond in a black sneakers, but human happiness. And all these things, which seem to us by the embodiment, they are not really a goal. They are a tool. And when this is not aware of this, and with the stubbornness of three years you beat the head about the wall, demanding exactly this is exactly now - "it was my favorite color! It was my favorite size! " - First, first, we miss the mass of other interesting incarnations of happiness. And secondly, you risk will feel, get to get - and hurt: Ice cream with a blonde in Ferrari is - and there is no happiness, there is no happiness.

"One smart in a white coat is beautiful"

What do we have to do: criticize.

Carefully look around. Throughout Bardak and Lawlessness, Fu and Bue. A girlfriend ate the Corzhik and let her husband go to the meeting of classmates? Well, all, get ready, dear: cracked pants and lonely old ages are provided. The star hired a fitness coach? It urgently needs a psychotherapist! Around us unpached fields of someone else's imperfection, stupidity, vulgarity and unconsciousness. Plow - do not overpass. It is difficult, sorry for a kefir for him. Yes, and for all these concerns behind a kefirchik, sometimes there is not enough time and drill ...

"Come to save the cat!"

What do we have to do: worry and fight for those who do not need it.


Good advice and friendly assistance - whales on which the world holds. In the case when they are needed. When they are asked. In other cases, this is a concerned Senbernarsha, which is carefully trying to fill and warm the teddy puppy or teach to bust the celluloid duck. Of course, you can later, after death, to become famous as a creature, surviving Mother Teresu. But there is a strong risk to miss and get a Darwinian premium ...

"Spoon for mom ..."

What do we have to do: To force yourself to suffer "a little more", not understanding where this is the most infinite "little" will finally end.

Working in Monsters Corporation with Shrek-Chief isolating you. Or a marriage with a sprawling monster does not reach the stage of turning it into a repentable handsome man. "Wait a little, relax and you", "the heads of the hearts and former classmates and former classms, and you say to yourself: Yes, now I will gather, I'll smithfully, smile - and how to break into a bright future. With unresolved main problems, aha. And there are at least some prerequisites, what will it light up? And your permanent desperate "maudes" only will be covered with all the juices. And you still do not refrigerator! So throwing you these nine entertainment - are still warm ...

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