Why he does not want to marry: 12 very good reasons


Why he does not want to marry: 12 very good reasons 40884_1

These are typical clever clever, beauties and hostesses. They are interested in business women and cute witnesses. And he still does not marry. Why? The best minds of the planet break over this question. Scientists have not yet come to a common opinion, although there are some theories after all.

Because it is afraid for his property

Well, how do you encroach on his full collection of saga posters about Rambo and shelf from Ikea? Women are cunning. He saw the former wives by their former husbands as a sticky. Risk a carpet? Haha, not on such attacked, predator!

Because he has wedding

Serious disorder, by the way. As you can see a white dress, a three-storey cake and a rented limousine, so a complete set of symptoms - palm sweat, legs are cut off, the head is circle. This is a disease, do not joke with it.

Because shy


Few people can do without general anesthesia to endure the whole shame of Tamada contests, kisses on the team "Gorky!" and rented tuxedo.

Because Choto is expensive

One modest wedding equals a good wheelbarrow, three holidays abroad at the hotel overlooking the private beach or three hundreds of new exhibits in the collection of posters about Rambo. This is mathematics, Baiba.

Because I got this question

That's about how you. Therefore, he decided to go to the bourgeois public opinion alternately and announced a full matrononial sabotage.

Because gay

And he would gladly marry, but it would be better not for you, but on you. Alas, on this side of the border, such a happy outcome is hardly possible.

Because you look like his former


And he remembers what happens if you contact this. Last time, everything ended badly. He continues to run on rakes, of course, but to drive a rake under the crown is somehow too.

Because you earn a lot

And he already draws himself a chilling blood pictures of how he asks you on the socks and shaving foam, meets in a lace apron and fries the morning yainek. In short, it seems to him that he does not marry, but married. Awful it is not worth it.

He wants to sit at the window on the plane

But it's already married once - and all, not see you more than the Earth in the porthole. The legitimate marital once and will forever take all the places at the window in all means of movement.

Because he is afraid for his freedom

Here it jumps on Prairie, like a free Mustang, and here you are with Lasso, gathering and toury with a borscht, in the sense of oats. No comparison with wild spacing! Oats, however, you can leave.

Because he excluded himself from the evolutionary chain


Evolution, survival of the species, overcrowding, resource depletion? That's because of such as you, short-sided homo Sapiens, we will come to a post-apocalyptic scenario like the world of insane Max. And such as he, they save the world from such a tragic finale - but they are less and less.

Because he is lazy

Candle, a woman, what are you - it's necessary to get out of bed, find paired socks, go out, sit down in the car and get to the registry office. And this is only the beginning of the Labor! Well, no, thanks, fall without it.

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