8 sweet tastes that are really useful


Lovers of sweets, let him rejoice! Candy-cookies - this is not always completely extra kilograms. The nutritionists compiled a list of very useful tastes that are not just not harmful, but also useful.

From sweets it seems better


Sugar, maybe not very well affecting the state of the ass, but then the brain is only stronger from him. Carbohydrates - the main fuel on which our body works. And the brain, the gift that only 2% of the total weight, eats approximately 20% of the energy. So I take it to put it glucose. With a lack of glucose, the brain fails and we become nervous and dung. The best option is a black chocolate, which also besides the content of caffeine.

Chocolate strengthened vessels


The clever of the European Association of Cardiologists stated that 100 grams of bitter chocolate improve the work of the vessels in an adult for a period of three hours and protect the vessels from the influence of free radicals. Not to argue with them.

Halva helps to become pregnant


Because it has a huge amount of oil and vitamin E. namely, this vitamin is responsible for our fertility. Even a small piece of halvah will help to fill the daily rate of this vitamin. But only no more than 50 grams per day, still very heavy yummy this halva.

Ice cream improves mood and relieves alarm


The seal includes more than 15 amino acids, 27 fatty acids, 25 vitamins and mineral salts, and even enzymes for good digestion. It has a lot of magnesium, which is very needed by the nervous system, and L-tryptophan is a substance that acts as a natural tranquilizer, removing the voltage, anxiety and longing.

Marshmallow lowers cholesterol


We mean marshmallow on natural pectin. Calories in the marshmallow (in comparison with other sweets) is relatively few, but it cleans the vessels from cholesterol plaques, removes toxins from the body and improves immunity.

Honey struggles with a cold


Honey is a vitamin bomb, not in vain a granny in childhood you picked with honey when you sick. Honey relieves inflammation, replenishes stocks of vitamins and minerals, kills bacteria, and at the same time it helps with anemia, especially if he is buckwheat - there is a lot of iron in such honey. But with a cold, the best helps the lime.

Popcorn improves digestion


In popcorn, there is a lot of fiber, and it works like a rash, sulfing from the inside all toxic sediments and feeding the "correct" intestinal microflora. Family lovers do not suffer problems with digestion.

Marmalade brings beauty


Any marmalade is mainly gelatin. The proteins that are contained in it, significantly improve the condition of dry skin and brittle, dull hair and nails. In some Asian countries, marmalade is sold and advertised as "beauty delicacy".

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