10 simple rules that will help look smart


10 simple rules that will help look smart 40880_1

No one has canceled the meeting of the meeting on the clothes, so if you want to go off for a smart in an unfamiliar company, as follows, note of a few ordinary tips. But remember, as soon as you retreat from the plan, Magic will disappear, and the carriage will turn into a pumpkin again.

Wear glasses

It is proved that glasses visually add several points to IQ. Subconsciously we perceive the points as well-read and smart characters. If you have everything in order with vision, then order glasses with lenses without diopters. Remember that the massive dark robbery besides the mind still creates a light halo of inaccessibility, while a light frame increases significance, while not building barriers to perception.

Chastity in clothes

Tight clothing, a dress with a neckline and a deep neckline, will definitely add you sexuality. But does it add to the mind? Probably not. The scheme is intuitive: Beautiful, but stupid. The frank outfit, the less serious and smart it seems its owner. To check, look at beauties from maiden groups. Do they seem very smart?

Do not swear

Do not resort to strong expressions. A man who swearing by a mat is immediately rolled in the eyes of the surrounding shoemaker. Here even expensive points will not save. Especially if the mat is used to bundle words. You can use obscene expressions in the company of very familiar people who know everything about you, but if you need to go for smart, then concentrate. If you can't without a mat, then just silent.

Not particularly worship

No matter how hard the feminists are equalized to the rights with men, but with other things being equal, a person specialist is perceived more competent than a woman. To successfully compete with a strong lady, you need to master the art of disguise. Sometime even to hide your femininity. From here an office jacket dress code and cradied in the tail or beam hair.

Speak faster

If you think that if you make big pauses during a conversation, then you will go away for a thoughtful person, then you are very mistaken. Significant pauses are not a sign of a big mind. So try in a conversation not to shy and not tighten with the answer. Tarantor is also not worth it. The rattling girl is also not easy for smart to go.

Speak easier

It is not necessary to grow your speech with complex word formation and severe construction of phrases. First, in such a conversation format it is easier to make a stupid error, and secondly, the famously wrapped phrases most often are simply not appropriate in a private conversation, and the desire to pass for a smart one may seem banal posterity.

Learn listen

Correctly talk is not bad, but you can see if you can listen - a rare gift. Look carefully at the interlocutor and do not interrupt when he says. Periodically throw your head and time from time to time ask simple clarifying questions (who, how, why) or exclaints: "What do you say! Blimey! Excellent!" People love when they are listening, and you will find you for smart, even if you don't understand anything from what they tell you.

Not narrowed

Good proper posture - half of the victory. Still, a serious part of perception is built on non-verbal signs. Hold your back straight, go confidently.

Do not fight with gray

Sedina is old, but it is associated with life experience and wisdom. If the task of all charm beauty, then it is better to regularly cry roots, and if you want to become an authoritative boss, but the gray strands will serve only a plus.

Refrain from alcohol

The whole evening was able to keep the image of a smart, discreet person, but a soap bubble created with such work can burst beautifully, as soon as the third wine glass will be in your hands. The eyes will be blissing, in the body there will be deceptive ease, and you will go to a person per console to ask to put something womb. And as soon as you give out: "Oh will not be grieving, I will dance", the last doubts about your mental potential will dispel.

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