20 faithful signs that the relationship is time to tear


20 faithful signs that the relationship is time to tear 40879_1

Relationships between people act as permanent satellites throughout life and have a pronounced effect on all its spheres. Establish new relationships, overstate old connections and go out of the long relationship is always difficult. Many people prefer not to pay attention to disturbing signals indicating serious problems in relationships. They prefer to endure and hope every day that everything changes and makes it possible.

But the relationship is not always settled by themselves. There are many signs that it's time to stop tormenting each other and part while it has not led to more serious consequences and violations in other areas of life. Pay attention to the signs listed below. If at least a few of them are firmly rooted in your life, it is time to urgently take concrete actions or scatter!

1. You can not be yourself. If your second half does not perceive you as you are, it is, as they say, "no matter." You can not prohibit yourself something that is important for you, in favor of relationships!

2. You doubt your own significance and value. This is a bad sign that says that you are indifferent to the partner. A loving person will praise and maintain, hint that you are better and the rest of the rest!

3. You are increasingly hearing accusations of your address. If your partner decided to make you guilty in all his failures - this is a clear sign of dissatisfaction with the relationship. Often it is a way to shift to another responsibility for your mistakes.

4. Frequent quarrels and conflicts. Here, in principle, everything is clear. If in relationships more quarrels than pleasant moments, then what future can we talk about? However, it is worth clearly differentiate scandals from passionate relations!

5. You often justify and apologize for your partner. It is worth thinking if you have to constantly "get out" for your soul mate. Perhaps you are simply technically used?

6. You often doubt whether everything is satisfied with your loved one. Such a constant anxiety for the preservation of relations is the correct sign of a weak connection, "unhealthy" relations in which it is exactly time to change something!

7. Problems at work due to the annoying and incomprehensibility of the partner. Naturally, you need to sometimes be revealed or exchanged messages. But, if knowing that you are busy, your close man continues to "bomb you" calls, finding out the relationship, asking questions and so on, it is worth taking measures ...

8. Friends and colleagues notice that you are not changing for the better. Our environment is much faster and or rather, ourselves notices the changes as internal and external. If they occur for the worse, there are no other reasons, there are problems in relationships ...

9. When thoughts about parting it becomes easier. Here you can do without comment. If you are better than with a partner, if you are constantly looking for the reason to go walk, to friends, then it's time to tear such a union.

10. Constant distrust. It is absolutely not important here who, who and why does not trust. Relations without mutual trust are doomed to failure.

11. Feeling of danger and internal tension. Anxiety, as in normal relationship you should be comfortable. If a feeling of some threat arises regularly, it is worth thinking about the break of such relationships.

12. Poor mutual influence. In good relations, partners influence each other positively, helping to develop the necessary qualities and find positive features. If the partner causes the dominance of negative traits in you, it will not lead to anything good!

13. You have a resistant feeling that you could be much happier! If you are firmly confident that you deserve more, it is unlikely to change something with the current partner. It's time to go looking for someone you deserve!

14. Threats and ultimatums. Constant requirements to do something that you do not want, under the threats of breaking relationships - this is an attempt to impose your will. This does not fit into the framework of healthy relationships.

15. SingleBroof needs and priorities. If the caprises, desires and needs of someone are satisfied in your relationship, then this indicates a clear disharmony. During normal relations, the needs and desires of each must be taken into account and equally!

16. You never want to speak out. If your thoughts and opinions are constantly criticized, you are afraid to consult once again, does you have a person?

17. You need to constantly ask permission. If you just advise when making a decision, this is normal. But if the partner constantly prohibits something, and you are forced to ask for permission, this is a disturbing signal.

18. You do not communicate with relatives and friends. Causes can be different, but if you don't care your circle of communication comes down to one person, you will soon lose everyone else ...

19. Permanent extremes. "Swing" in the relationship, when everything is good, it is bad, then perfectly, it's just awful, will not lead to anything other than constant hassle.

20. Upcom and constant meditation. If you often torment doubts, something does not suit you, the thoughts are engaged in the analysis and weighing the situation, then you need to change something.

Of course, this is not all signs of problems in relationships. Each person himself feels the depth and sincerity of the feelings of his second half. But if you are increasingly meeting something from the listed in your life, it is worth thinking about a possible problem.

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