15 things you can throw out today


15 things you can throw out today 40874_1

Are you sad? Do you have stress or even depression? Psychologists in one voice say that the deliverance from the hose accumulated in the house is the first step to healing, but you do not believe they? We understand you perfectly. After all, throwing your children's album for drawing - betrayal, but to take a "live" to the garbage - wasting.

We do not call you to the fundamental action. Leave the general cleaning for later and start with the small one - with what is really not sorry. After all, every house has, at least fifteen absolutely unnecessary things. Let's try to find them!

1. Wire "Handers" from dry cleaning. - Hostalgic experiences are hardly connected with them. Do you keep them for art installation? Not? Then what is more?

2. Cardboard stands for wine glasses. - Neither the practical nor the aesthetic value of the stand is not. In order to be considered a collection, they are too boring. On the garbage!

3. "Cute" jars from the products. - You planted them because they "may be useful", but they did not come in handy. For food you have special containers, and you can hardly marry the roots in the next hundred years. In garbage.

4. Singles Singles. - We are ready to argue for anything that untimely lost a couple of socks in the years we wonder somewhere on the backyards of your cabinet. Do you hope that socks once give you kids? Do not hope. Bucker-garbage chute-dump.

5. Talking cables of unknown etymology and unnecessary telephone charging. - Why do you need home serpentarium? You are not a herpetologist and not a cable breaker. In a bucket!

6. Foam Packaging from Electronics. - We understand you perfectly. These cosmic bends fascinate. But you do not intend to move, and even so, the agent for carriage will put everything in its own way. So what are you waiting for?

7. Empty polycarbonate bottles. - Once you ordered water home, or drained a bottle of office. Now this plane occupies Polkridor, and if it accidentally hurt it, makes a disgusting crack. Maybe you are preparing to drought? Waiting apocalypse? Then why do you need it?

8. Dried paints that cracked the slopes, wallpaper flap and tile fragments. - Everything that is left after repair and that it was not possible to thorough parents / children / friends climbs an apartment and life. After all, it is not even "just in case," it is "too lazy to carry out." So - time came!

9. Audio and video tapes, floppy disks, CD envelopes and CD themselves old statute. - How many times have you shifted them from side to side, arguing about the pace of scientific and technological progress and firing from dust. Progress is not going anywhere if you throw this trash, honestly!

10. Old boxes and boxes from under shoes, phones, registrars. - They are damn beautiful - do not argue. But it is just a wrapper, and you are no longer at that age to get over the candy.

11. Overdue groceries - cereals, teas, seasonings, so on. - Do you feel sorry for spent money? Do you still hoping that you will be able to extract from these products? Psychologists agree with you. After all, the psychotherapeutic effect that you will get, getting rid of the "delay", will cover the costs of its storage and processing.

12. Packages from the supermarket. - Times when the package with the print was considered a symbol of wealth passed. Now we break them in utilitarian purposes. Usually for garbage. Alas, packages - also garbage. Roll them down, and a week later, a million empty packages will be accumulated.

13. Keys from something - no one remembers what. - There is something sacred in the keys. They are always very difficult to throw away, even if they are not suitable for any castle. But it is this sacralism that gives a storm psychological effect at the moment when you get rid of it. Try and see for yourself.

14. Discount cards and coupons, gift certificates. - It does not matter that paper and plastic take up little space. They are not smaller trash. Check the dates and surprise - most coupons and cards have long been invalid. Why do you carry the past with you?

15. Gift set for sushi. - The use ratio of sushi set is so high that no additional arguments are required. DIXI.

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