8 women who moved world science, and they all forgot about them


These women fought and defeated, knocked into closed doors, published under strangers, performed key discovery in the history of science, convinced the colleagues to "conduct an experiment again" and simply inspired. And they from under the nose, the Nobel awards were tested, their names diligently detected, and their contributions were understood. We decided to remember some of them.

Wu Jiancün.

An outstanding American of Chinese origin, was engaged in physics and put the famous Wu experience, which has proven non-spatial care in weak interactions (so that it means). Wu taught in Princeton and Columbian universities and two of her colleagues, Lee and Yang, offered her to put an experiment to verify their new theory. Wu has developed experience and refuted Lee and Yana theory. Apparently, for whether Yang received Nobel, and Wu is not. Many Wu colleagues perceived it as a manifestation of sexism, but then there was no sluggish indignation. Without receiving the Nobel Prize, Brilliant Jiancün wrote a desktop book for Beta Decancing Radiophysics and all the troubles called the American Physical Society.

Charlotte Perryan.


If you catch the interior designer in the places of his natural habitat and ask what he thinks about Le Corbusier, then you will have to listen to how incredibly comfortable, functional, brilliant furniture and all that. Modern lofts, laconic eco-interiors, exhibition centers - they all do not cost without the original or the replica of his works. Meanwhile, the so-called "cult models" began to appear in Le Corbusier after, to him from the second attempt, Charlotte Perrian was settled in 1927. (For the first time, Master sent her ravoisi with the words "we do not embroider the pillows here").

Looking at the work of Perrian at the autumn exhibition in Paris, the architect was drawn and earned himself a little more than fame. The fact is that the Great-Architect, concrete genius and other, for all work in his studio put a stamp with his name. As a result, on the works of Charlotte Perrian her name turned out to be second. The public remembered the promoted brand and forgot the author directly. And in vain, because Charlotte Perrian was a truly outstanding designer and furniture designer: she gave life to Ergonomic Scandinavian style, developed modular furniture (which for saving space love all over the world), developed modern functionality of office furniture ... designed a couple of ski resorts at leisure! In a word, she is a real innovka. Well, you can google, for example, Chandigarh, a city that completely built Le Corbusier. Of course, we do not make any sense in architecture, but the set of concrete five-story buildings somehow loses the perfect chairs of Charlotte with elements of natural materials. Sometimes less - yes it's better, let the admirers of the architect forgue us.

Emmy Nether.


Emmy Nether was one of the most prominent women of the twentieth century: she made a huge contribution to mathematics, topology and physics. According to experts, its level of discoveries are comparable to the works of Great Maria Curie. But the path of Emmy Nether in mathematics is pretty sad and thorny. She became a private professionant in the University of Göttingen only after a number of professors for several years literally begged the University administration to allocate a salary and give at least some position. Paradoxically, but a brilliant woman mathematician survived the decade on a small scholarship (which was organized by the local scientific community). Without taking any position at the university, she read lectures and taught students. Well, not put a woman to do this all, and even officially!

She was called the mother of modern algebra. To simply list all the sections of mathematics and physics in which she contributed, changed, or founded - does not have enough page. What is characteristic of women in science, Emmy Never has no recognition, medals, awards or premiums, except for a small premium, which she divided with his student. But when Emmy has died (unrecognized, lonely, in someone else's country, as she, as a Jew, left Germany), the society came to mind and instructed her memorials (over a dozen), founded scholarships, and, just in case, also called the crater The side of the moon is her name. And Einstein, among others, said in the necrologist (if briefly), which is betterless, and there was no one.

Henrietta Livitt


Henrietta, having received a bachelor's degree, got an assistant to the professor of astronomy and was engaged in cataging photoflaxes with the image of stars. Well, it would seem - do a bit of work for ten dollars a week and dying from boredom. But no, Henrietta Livitt discovered several patterns based on one photo images of stars, thanks to which scientists can measure any distances both in our galaxy and abroad. At the same time, it opened over 2400 stars (and all this - without an assistant, social package, but with weak health and almost full of deafness).

Several scientists in Sweden, the impressive contribution to science, decided to nominate her candidacy for the Nobel Prize. But nothing came out: Nobel does not give posthumously, and Livitt did not live before his recognition.

Rosalind Franklin


In 1952, she was able to make a radiograph, which became the proof of the spiral structure of DNA. A woman who literally overwhelmed the whole biology came to this photo long and, as expected, a thorny way. But after the sensational opening, immediate laurels did not follow.

Some researchers believe that the photo was just stolen from Franklin, and on the basis of the resulting image, the colleagues in the laboratory were able to publish their work simultaneously with Franklin. As a result, the Nobel Prize went to the operational Trinity, and Rosalind received due to the permanent operation with the X-ray radiation of cancer, as a result of which she died suddenly, simply without surviving the award.

Hell Lovelace


Lovelace is an excellent example of what wonderful children grow without a father. Poet Byron, without preparing paternity (or something else), disappeared when the baby was only a month. However, it is impossible to say that it poorly affected the hell: she studied Euclidean geometry, engaged in mathematics and made translations of scientific mathematical works. On one day, the twenty-semilenia hell became acquainted with the fiftieth anniversary of the eccentric and ingenious inventor Charles Babbird, who created the car for the "calculation of the difference", in a word, collected something like an insanely complex and aesthetic excellent steampunk calculator for the needs of Victorian England.

He joyfully connected to the process and brought the algorithm to describe the Bernoulli numbers. The world community today admitted that it was the first computer program implemented for playing on the computer. Yes, and in general, Ada understood about the "Babbja car" more than Babbage himself, predicted that the future was behind this cumbersome and ahead of the computer era.

Recognition did not come to the hell Lovelace during life: she published work under the initials (because the life of a Victorian girl excludes scientific classes), and died from bloodletting, and not seeing to the end of the collected Babbja car (because Victorian medicine is poorly transferred by live people )

Susan Joselin Bell.


Susan Childhood was fond of astronomy, brilliantly studied and entered the postgraduate school of the University of Cambridge. Collecting material for his dissertation, Susan noticed something strange. She moved daily by thirty meters of data from radio telescope's checkers, until it came to certain conclusions. So she became the pulsary discoverer.

Anthony Hewish, the supervisor Susan, first ignored her find. Bell was able to convince him to continue the experiments and in the end, proved that he found a new class of astronomical objects. What do you think happened next? Of course, the Nobel Prize. But only not Susan Joselin Bell, and Anthony Hewish (well, he listened to her, in the end) and his colleague Martin Rile.

Lou Salome


Any fan of Nietzsche knows that Lou Salome is one woman who broke his heart. Any philologist remembers that the 36-year-old Lou took under the wing of a 21-year-old poet Rilke, who retained tender feelings for her life. Many saw a photo, where Lou Salome wakes up a screamer, with knowledge of the case, gripped into one wagon of philosopher Nice with a philosopher Paul Ryoo. In short, the leisure of the frivolous lady is evident.

Meanwhile, not everyone remembers that the last quarter of a century Lou Salome spent with Sigmund Freud, becoming one of his best student. In fifty years, Lu Salome took possession of psychoanalysis, published about 139 scientific articles, a textbook on a pediatric psyche was conceived. From 1914 to 1937, settling in Göttingen, she worked, opening a broad psychotherapeutic practice. It is strange that Nietzsche's mustache eclipsed the outstanding mind of such a woman who helped not one dozen people and contributed to psychoanalysis.

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