7 good reasons make sure that three children are better than one



Maternity changes the life of a woman forever and, honestly, at first it seems that this is a complete failure: you are torn on parts of the hormones, you mean weakly what you do and what you need to do, all clothes in children's poop and belching, to get out of the house you have to turn whole Operations.

And of course, you look with horror on women who have two, three or even more children. Because at all you do not understand how they decided on it, being in the right mind. However, experienced mothers argue that it is much easier to cope with the three children than with one. And there is 7 reasons.

#one. You already know what is "to be a mother"


When you give birth to the first child - it's like a jump in the unknown. You can read hundreds of books about motherhood, revise dozens of TV show and make up for themselves thousands of rates of education, but in fact everything will be completely different. Add to this deprivation of sleep and excavating hormones - a nightmare!

However, when you become a mother not for the first time, you already know what to expect, you know what is important, and what you can score, you know how to handle the baby, you are not afraid and much more confident in yourself. So everything goes much more smoothly.

# 2. It's easier for you to ask for help


With the first child in your head, the "ideal mother" lives, which buzzes to you in the ear, that one does not need to ask for anything that you can cope with everything. As if the request for help is a complete failure and whim, you have only a child, what help? When you have three children, the perfect mother goes to the furnace, and you are much easier to admit to yourself that you cannot cope with something and ask for help from a husband and family, without having all for our fragile shoulders.

# 3. You have more experience and your own lifehaks


Of course, every child is individual, he has its own character and temperament. However, this does not cancel your own parent skills and lifehals worked out for previous years. You blindly disassemble and collect a bottle, change the diapers in a second, you know when you need to fly to the doctor, and when you can do with myrdial means, you have read millions of parents about raising and know which techniques work with your children, and which are not.

When the first time google "what to do if a child has green poop?" - This is one. But when you pass through this for the third time - completely different. You are Google myself.

#four. You got used to sleep


Sometimes people get gift babies who are perfectly sleeping from the first days of life, however, it is rather an exception than the rule. With the first child, the sleep deprivation is perceived as a sophisticated and cruel punishment for all your sins, and you seriously think to die from what is tired. Not even so - tired, damn it!

When you have three children, you are not so worried if you can't put a baby, because you know that sooner or later all children learn to sleep (the main thing is to live to this moment), and you have learned how to get enough sleep for a small amount of time .

#five. You do not need to entertain them


With the first child, the "perfect mother" brain does not give you peace. You have a specially allocated time to read, musical games, developing toys and walks. You experience a huge sense of guilt if the child himself hangs out in a manager, a crib or on a rug.

With three children, you just do not have enough time to deal with everyone for a long time, so you calmly leave them to have fun on your own, and they come up with them games and classes. Of course, all this is three times louder and insane, but also more fun, agree?

# 6. Older children help you


Children grow very quickly. And if you have to do everything with the first child, then with several children you can count on the aid of the elders. They can look after the younger, put on their own and undress and help you find a lost shoe, bring diapers, remove from the table, help with cleaning at home. It seems that these are little things, but they help to save a bunch of time and effort during the day.

# 7. You know that it is not forever


You have as many as three visual evidence of the speed of time, thanks to which you know that everything goes. When you have one child, everything seems endless: breastfeeding, sleepless nights, spitting food - just because you have nothing to compare with. However, by the third time you already know that everything is quickly going through, the children grow up, and this knowledge allows you to survive difficult periods with much smaller nerves and stress.

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