Verified tips to help cope with panic attack


Panic attacks are a mansion among the most different types of neurosis and happen most often from completely healthy young people. They are like a migraine - either there, or they are not. The main weapon of panic attack is sudden. But you can get rid of it once and for all.


The term "Panic Attack" appeared just over 20 years ago, before this states were called an emotional-vegetative crisis. The attack of an uncontrolled animal fear occurs suddenly and how avalanche is intensified for the first few minutes until it reaches his peak, then goes to the decline. The state of bodily and emotionally discomfort can last about an hour, but usually no more than 15 minutes. 15 hellish minutes.

Vicious circle

During the attack, the failure goes immediately in two systems: nervous and vascular. And if fear and anxiety (even sudden) we can realize and take it to recognize and realize the heart failure is not so easy. One of the most common options for vegetative dysfunction with panic attacks - by the type of cardiovascular crisis, when there is discomfort in the field of the heart or explicit heartbeat with the feeling of "interruptions", a feeling of lifting blood pressure or even real lifting.

Simply put, the heart is knocked down from the rhythm, strives to jump out of the chest and everything is so pressing, as if you are flying from 115 floors. In the throat there is a com, which prevents breathing, you suffer and the secondary fright arises here - and suddenly the heart will now completely stop. And this appears a new wave of panic. Vicious circle.



Panic attacks are not related to specific situations or stress (exam, scandal, closed space, height, and so on). They appear spontaneously, the attack lasts a few minutes, reaches his peak and lasts for a few more minutes. To determine the panic attack should be at least 4 symptoms:

Vegetative symptoms

* reinforced or rapid heartbeat; * sweating; * jitter or tremor; * Dry mouth (not caused by the reception of drugs or dehydration).

* difficulties in breathing; * a feeling of suffocation; com in the throat * pain or discomfort in the chest; * nausea or abdominal distress (for example, burning in the stomach);

* dizziness, instability of consciousness, displacement; * The feeling that the items are unreal or that your own I moved away or "is not here" (depersonalization); * Fear of loss of control, madness or upcoming death;

* Fear die;

General symptoms

* tides or a feeling of chill; * numbness or feeling of tingling.

How to win


Panic attack at least once in life experienced almost everyone, but if they are repeated, even if it is not related to stress or overwork, then it is necessary to contact the psychotherapist, since in this case the panic attack is a neurotic disorder.

Of course, psychotherapy will help here, because any disorder is the result of a long emotional stress associated with experienced or unresolved personal problems. It sounds tedious, but surviving the attack at least once, you will go on everything to get rid of it once and forever.

No fear

You can control the panic attack too. First, you need to clearly understand: the panic attack is the emission of adrenaline into nervous endings. Defensive reflex organism. No more.

Secondly, no matter how terrible and unreal were the consequences of the "adrenaline explosion", he will still end. Realizing that any attack is just a wave that covers and immediately rolls back, you can start controlling your condition.



To survive the attack as soon as possible, learn to breathe. The perfect option is 4 inhale / exhalation per minute. Learn at home, in a relaxed atmosphere, to slow down your breath. When even the most sudden attack will cover, you will be ready. At the first symptoms of the impending avalanche (rapid heartbeat, swept palms), take a deep, for 5 seconds inhale, after a pause, slowly, 10 seconds exhale.

At the same time, it is best to lie down, close your eyes and give the muscles to "fault." Breathing consciously, at the expense. At first up to five, then once or two and then from one to ten. 15 such inhales - exhalations and attack quickly weaken and will end.

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