8 emotional problems that are forced to overcome each epiphat-introvert


8 emotional problems that are forced to overcome each epiphat-introvert 40843_1

As you know, introverted empath perceive the world in a different way, compared to other. They have an inner ability to deeply feel the emotions of other people, almost like their own. This allows them to love with all the soul, to sharpen injustice, as well as to relieve others from emotional torment.

But because of their congenital senses of compassion and care, empath is often used in their own interests. Let us give examples of 8 emotional problems with which every epit-introvert will be faced from time to time.

1. Sometimes it is difficult for them to speak

For Empaths, long periods of loneliness and immersion can affect their ability to express their thoughts so clearly as they would like. "Small" insignificant conversations "nothing" - obviously not their bumps.

2. They can easily panic

The introverted empath often experience difficulties in order to filter or push the feelings of others, as well as them easier to remove loud noise from equilibrium or a noisy social medium.

And if you combine these two things together, it is not surprising that empathy is subject to panic attacks, and they periodically face surpassed waves of the feelings that it is difficult to control.

3. They understand the feelings of others, but often do not understand their

Often, it may be so that such people know who is in love with their friend, but completely do not understand that someone loves them. You can read the feelings of other people for them very simply, but to figure out our own complex inner chaos can be extremely difficult for closed empath. For them, such a human trait as self-consciousness may be a little more difficult than for most people. They feel and understand so much that separating their own feelings from the feelings of others can be a difficult task, even if necessary.

4. They are hard to let others in their lives.

An introverted empath loving and care about others, are amazing friends and passionate lovers. However, due to its high sensitivity, they are afraid to let other people in their lives.

They are very careful when it comes to love, and simply cannot fall in love "just so" because of fear that they can suffer.

5. They unconsciously attract negative people

One of the most hated features of an introvert-empath is their unconscious ability to attract negative people. They can be real "magnets" for negativity due to the strong ability to understand the opinions and emotions of other people.

That is why negative people often love to tie them to themselves and enjoy their good character.

6. They are vulnerable to dependencies.

Due to the high sensitivity to the emotions and energies of other people, introverted empathies are prone to all kinds of dependencies. Often they turn to drugs, random sexual life or alcohol, to block the emotions that they feel from others.

Dependence serves as a peculiar emotional self-defense to protect themselves from external emotions and energies.

7. They are prone to depressive mood drops.

Although the introverted empath is capable of hiding their true feelings well, they are also subject to mood drops. When they absorb a high level of negative energy, they can become uncommunicable, quiet and deeply unhappy.

8. They are looking for, but often do not appreciate

When you pay attention to what people say, sincerely care and few are interested in being the center of attention, people and their problems literally rushed to you. It does not even matter if people almost do not know Empath, but something forces people to reveal their souls to him. And it is not surprising that this is happening if you see how the emphat is able to understand others.

Empaths are very careful about the well-being of other people, and therefore they can silently listen to how people swear on the same things. However. Empaths need to be aware of such one-sided relations when they give them all and do not get anything like that in return.

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