5 Asan Yoga, who will help to cope with the headache without drugs


5 Asan Yoga, who will help to cope with the headache without drugs 40834_1

Strong headache can affect sleep at night or on productivity during the day. The reasons may be mass - dehydration, stress, overvoltage, hangover, etc. In any case, whenever the headache arises, everything that you want to do is get rid of it. For the treatment of head pain, many tablets were invented, but sometimes they may have side effects. There is a more healthy decision - to regularly engage in yoga.

In fact, yoga can help you get rid of headache forever, because one of the main reasons for the "split head" today is the tension and stress, which every day is full of full. And yoga just helps relieve tension and stress in the body.

Some asians are specifically designed for soft stretching and removal of "clamping" from the neck, shoulders or back, and this improves blood flow to the head.

1. Ardha Pinch Maiurasana

5 Asan Yoga, who will help to cope with the headache without drugs 40834_2

"Dolphin Pose", also known as Ardha Pinch Maiurasan, stretches well and neck, and also provides blood flow to the brain. You must not forget to do deep breaths, practicing this asana. An additional influx of blood to the head, provided by the "dolphin pose", can ease the headache.

2. Supot Virasana

5 Asan Yoga, who will help to cope with the headache without drugs 40834_3

If someone began his headache due to stress, then the best suite is suitable for Virasana or "Warrior's Pose Lying". This Asana helps stretch the back and shoulders to remove stress. And this may well reduce the headache.

3. Viparita Karani.

5 Asan Yoga, who will help to cope with the headache without drugs 40834_4

The next Asana gently stretches the muscles of the neck and at the same time relaxes. You need to sit on the rug so that the right thigh concerned the wall, then lean back, turn right, lie on the rug, and pull the legs up the wall. The fifth point should touch the walls, and the legs be folded together. Then you need to put hands on the stomach or on the rug, close your eyes, relax the jaw and slightly lower the chin. In this position you need to breathe slowly and deep for from 3 to 10 minutes.

4. Ananda Balasana

5 Asan Yoga, who will help to cope with the headache without drugs 40834_5

Ananda Balasan or the pose of a satisfied child works best if the headache was caused by the back pain, which spread to the spine. It is necessary to lie on the back, bend the knees and hold on to the hips or the outer edges of the legs. You can slowly squeeze from side to the side to increase the stretching of the hips and the bottom of the back.

5. Shavasana

5 Asan Yoga, who will help to cope with the headache without drugs 40834_6

Shavasana is great for removing stress and headache caused by it. It is sometimes called the pose of the corpse or sleeping. Asana is very simple, and everyone can do it. So, if someone has a headache and he feels completely exhausted, you can try this asana that promotes relaxation.

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