When to use deodorant correctly, and when to drink pills


When to use deodorant correctly, and when to drink pills 40816_1

"Everything is your time," we learned to say, when we try to adhere to the rules of healthy and useful food. Recent studies in the field of our household habits and reception of medicines show that compliance with the regime is extremely important for our daily rituals.

So, it turned out that, for example, flu vaccination in the group of the older generation is the most efficient, if produced in 9-11 in the morning. Observations made at the University of Birmingham have shown that it is in the morning hours that our body contains an optimal "cocktail" of the immune system and the body reacts better to the vaccine.

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For example, the reception of cardiovascular preparations is entirely tied to human biorhythms. They are also called circadian rhythms.

Circadian rhythms are cyclic fluctuations in the intensity of various biological processes related to the change of day and night. Associated with external incentives, but have endogenous origins. Control hormonal patterns, metabolism, intestinal peristalsis, blood pressure and other functions.

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Some hypolipidemic drugs, those that turn to the work of the liver, are more correct to take overnight, because the cholesterol is more active than the liver. But in this case, it also needs to be dealt with and more specifically, some of these drugs have different efficiency cycles.

Preparations for controlling blood pressure should be taken in the morning, because it is at this moment that a pressure leap is occurring, which is listed when the cortisol can be released into the body. In the morning, diuretics should be taken, their diuretic effect is correctly combined with a weakening pressure on the walls of the vessels effect.

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Other, not quite pharmacological, observation - deodorants and antiperspirants are best applied before bedtime.

The experiment participated 60 women aged 18 to 65 years old, the result showed that the band who used deodorant for the night experienced a much smaller inconvenience from sweating than those who did it in the morning. While a detailed explanation of this fact was found, but there is a suggestion that most antipers need a few hours to gain themselves in the pores and start their action, and in the morning after the shower we just wash them together with the first swelling wave.

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Anti-aging and anti-vapor remedies based on retinoids should also be applied for night in order not to expose them to instant destruction from the effects of light and the external environment. For the same reason, dermatologists advise all skin ointments, including funds from eczema and psoriasis, apply overnight. Here, however, there is a purely technical problem, as it does not erase about the pillow and sheets ...

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In another moment there are observations of oncologists who advise antitumor drugs to apply at night when healthy cells are in the rest phase, thus the aggressive strike of oncoles only falls on sick cells.

But everyone, repeat doctors and pharmacists, is very individual, and it is necessary to take into account the fact that the digestive system also sleeps "sleeps" at night, so medications taken orally can absorb a little longer than during the day. For the same reason, medication from chronic constipation should be taken directly before bedtime.

Medications from osteoporosis doctors recommend taking in the morning before breakfast.

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Preparations that shoot asthmatic principles also work in a strong dependence on our biocars. Asthma night attacks are always stronger, because from midnight to four in the morning the level of adrenaline and cortisol drops sharply in the body. Also in the early morning clock, a wandering nerve is relaxing responsible for the relaxation of the lungs. The overall night state in which the respiratory system resort leads to the attacks. Therefore, doctors recommend asthmatics to use steroid inhalers right before bedtime.

Nevertheless, steroids assigned to the patient asthma should be administered no later than six o'clock in the evening, because because of them there may be problems with sleep.

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