Why not get involved in the most fashionable fasting keto system


Why not get involved in the most fashionable fasting keto system 40804_1

To date, the majority probably have already heard of a ketogenic diet, also known as the "keto diet". Although it may have become popular only recently, in fact a keto-diet exists from the 1920s. However, in the 20s it did not use it at all to lose weight.

Then she was created to treat children with epilepsy. But this is not preventing the so-called "Guru diet" today to use "Keto" to sell books and weight reduction programs. This extremely low-carb diet is mainly focused on high fat products. Like the Atkins diet, the keto diet can help a person to lose weight, transferring its body into a metabolic condition called ketosis. But whether it is safe ... not really.

1 Increase the feeling of hunger

To adhere to any diet is always difficult, but to stick to the diet, in which carbohydrates are not allowed, even more difficult. Studies show that more than half of people who tried a keto diet surrendered during the first week. In addition, people are likely to subsequently raise more weight than lost during a diet.

2 mood differences

People who tried the keto diet complained about the mood swings. Attempts to fight with a burden for food and hunger, even after you attempt, exacerbate. A ketogenic diet can cause lower sugar levels in the blood, which causes the brain failure, leading to depression and anxiety.

3 ketoacidosis

Ketoacidosis occurs when the ketosis ends (condition evolving as a result of carbohydrate hodded cells when the body is starting to split fat to form a large number of ketone bodies). This leads to accumulation of acid in the bloodstream, which is fraught with a coma or death.

4 decrease in sodium consumption

Sodium is useful for the body, because it helps the muscles to shrink, and also helps adjust all internal liquids. People sitting on a keto diet have experienced a clear lack of sodium in the body, which led to convulsions in the legs, fatigue and "blurred" brain.

5 influenza

The pledge of the health of the immune system is healthy eating. Unfortunately, products that are rich in omega-3 unsaturated fatty acids, such as fruits and whole grains, are not part of a keto diet. This puts the immune system before the threat of serious danger, and also causes a violation of the balance of good and bad bacteria in the body.

6 Nasty smell of mouth

After the body splits products with a high fat content of which the keto diet, it turns them into ketone bodies - compounds such as acetone and acetoacetic acid. The body will naturally try to balance the balance, and the excess of ketones will ultimately be output, causing a bad smell of mouth. Although this is not a dangerous side effect, but there is little pleasant in it.

7 High cholesterol content

Cholesterol is contained in human fats. High cholesterol levels can increase the risk of heart disease. If you do focus on the keto diet, that is, on products with a high content of fats, it can lead to an increase in cholesterol.

8 irregular menstrual cycle

The presence of a "normal" menstrual cycle is a sign that the woman's body functions normally. It also provides women's body hormones that support his health. Women who quickly lose weight on a keto diet may face the fact that their monthly cycles will become irregular. And this can lead to depression and anxiety.

9 stomach problems

Women who advertise a new miracle diet, never say one fact. The keto diet always passes in parallel with diarrhea and constipation. The inability to eat food filled with fiber, such as fruits, grains and beans, causes constipation. On the other hand, products with a high content of fats that are allowed to eat, for example, dairy products, meat and oil, sometimes cause diarrhea.

10 Constant fatigue

Many people say they felt sluggish when they sat on the keto diet. The body needs time to adapt to the loss of carbohydrates. The feeling of lethargy and fatigue in the first few weeks of a new diet is clearly not a good way to start changing the lifestyle. This can lead to sadness and overeating.

11 Dehydration

After the start of a similar diet, the body can respond in terms of water treatment and electrolytes in an absolutely unpredictable manner. At the beginning, many people can feel a constant thirst, since the diet causes water loss. In many cases, the level of electrolytes is also reduced. Electrolytes are minerals that help maintain aquatic and acid balance in the body.

12 keto influenza

When the body no longer receives carbohydrates, it is looking for other sources that help burn energy. The body ceases to burn glucose and turns it into ketones. This leads to a shock in the body and can cause symptoms similar to influenza, such as muscle pain, fatigue and muscle soreness.

13 The body begins to need carbohydrates

Carbohydrates are an important part of the food pyramid. According to NHS, they must be the main source of energy in a healthy balanced diet. This is especially true for people with a low blood sugar, because it has been proven that carbohydrates help control blood sugar levels.

14 Consequences of diet

The keto diet is strict and it is difficult to observe over a long period of time. People on this diet are obliged to return to their normal food habits after they dropped the weight that they wanted. It has been proven that over time, this diet leads to an increase in appetite, and, accordingly, an increase in weight. Strong weight fluctuations are harmful to the body.

15 kidney stones

Since the keto diet is a low-carbon diet with a high fat content, the processed meat is most of the diet. And when the body processes protein, it increases the acidity and calcium in the urine, facilitating the development of stones in the kidneys.

16 Loss of Muscular Mass

Although it is true that the muscles weigh more fat, the more the muscles man, the more calories it will burn. It was found that people who adhered to the keto diet for three months lost quite a lot of muscle mass in the legs.

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