6 health risks threatens to drink soda


6 health risks threatens to drink soda 40796_1

Who does not like Kola or any other sweet soda. At the same time, few people think that the sugar added to it is dangerous for health, and can "strike" at any time. The carbonated drinks that are replete with sugar, chemicals do not have almost no nutritional value.

Of course, you might think that the health risks associated with the use of soda are limited to weight gain and deterioration of teeth, but in fact they are much more serious.

1. Increased weight

Obesity is the epidemic of recent decades, and the use of soda only contributes to weight gain. In any sweet gas production, more calories than the body required. The carbonated drinks are not satisfying, therefore, in the end, a person essentially adds "extra volume" of calories to the total number of calories consumed. Thus, a large amount of sugar in these drinks leads to the accumulation of fat in the abdomen, etc.

2. Increased risk of diabetes

Type 2 diabetes is a common disease that makes millions of people annually. This is a metabolic disease characterized by a high blood sugar level (glucose). According to a study published by the American Diabetes Association, people who used one or more sweet drinks every day had a risk of developing diabetes by 26 percent higher compared to those who did not do this.

3. Danger for the heart

The results of various studies have shown the connection of sugar consumption and heart disease. The carbonated drinks increase the risk of high blood sugar levels and blood triglycerides, which are the risk factors for heart disease. According to a study published in the Harvard School of Public Health, the use of sweet beverages increases the risk of developing cardiovascular diseases by 20 percent.

4. Dental harm

Favorite soda can damage the smile. Sugar in soda interacts with bacteria in the mouth and forms acid. This acid makes teeth vulnerable to any damage. It can be extremely dangerous for dental health.

5. Possible kidney damage

According to a study conducted in Japan, the use of more than two cans of carbonated beverages per day can increase the risk of kidney disease. The kidneys perform many functions, including control of blood pressure, maintaining the level of hemoglobin and the formation of bones. As mentioned above, the use of carbonated beverages can cause hypertension and diabetes, which, in turn, can damage the kidneys or lead to the formation of kidney stones.

6. Obesity of the liver

The carbonated drinks usually contain two components - fructose and glucose. Glucose can be metabolized by each cell cell, while the liver is the only organ that metabolizes fructose. These drinks are "overwhelmed" fructose, and their excessive consumption can be converting fructose into fat, which will lead to the obesity of the liver.

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