What advantages are in low self-esteem: everything is not so bad


What advantages are in low self-esteem: everything is not so bad 40792_1

If you believe psychologists, then understated self-esteem is the main sore of humanity. She is terrible than the AIDS virus, from her all the problems in his head and life, she calls us all somewhere in the kingdom of gloomy Aida. But if you think about ...

... But if you think, it turns out that people with low self-esteem are actively told, as it is bad - have a low self-esteem. And what, they better become from this? How wrong! "Well, I said, everything is bad with me, and here and psychologists confirm! .." Some bad infinity is obtained. Pics.Ru decided to break her. Citizens, relax. Here you have a bunch of arguments that we, we are low, really not even undervalued. Cool we, what to say there! And that's why.

one. You have a great topic. You can cry infinitely about hard childhood. Any psychologist admits that low self-esteem without difficult childhood is like a dumplings without meat. Frieze me, please ... And in any case, it will remain difficult, hehe. It is impossible to redo it, such an ambush. So I'm frown, do not stop, oh yeah.

2. Who will offend you steal you yourself? No one. In their deceased abilities, they are just kids compared to you. Therefore, all these collides and hairpins, contemptuous views and insidiously evil thoughts - for you children's bow. You yourself can see so contemptuously to see if all the most persistent cacti of the district and area will be called.

3. Everybody Loves A Loser, as Morcheeba sings us. You like Friday Piksovsky Kitten. That is, you periodically want to warm up, console and show that they appreciate. Do not be so easy. Say you are good? Um ... Best of all?! GM GM ... And let them prove as it should!


four. What do you see when you look at the neighbors? That's right, treason. As kibalchish with a high mountain. "He did not look so", "she probably thought something wrong", "everyone clearly decided that I was ..." You have an interesting, rich life, sister! You are never bored. There is always something to do.

five. Some lowly self-independent develops high-quality "syndrome of excellence". Because it is necessary to prove! Three days to ride to show how you all don't matter to me, a week to be killed to show that there is a work for five minutes. And perfectionism is a useful thing. Well, nerves spoil. But the accomplishment generates.

6. But even better - another syndrome. I am an unhappy weak creature, the doctor, I ignore everything, I never had nothing in my life, everyone leaves me. Leave me alone with my despicable pituette. No one does not understand us. You can do nothing, do not try and not suffer. All will not work.

7. People around you are distinguished by high beautifulness. After all, to compare them with terrible and find in them what is not in you, you need to highly overestimate their dignity.

eight. But then people. But the men around you exactly that the gad's reptiles! Or, as psychologists say politically correct us: low-independent "are unfavorable" is especially hostile to rejected their partners. " And when the partners are like one shoes, such a thing, you know, a special friend is formed.

nine. To the one who is constantly nothing, which does not bother, will not pull, he will not cope, then they say approvingly: "Well, you see how everything happened, but I said - you can't!" And proud say, grinning: "Well, you see how everything happened, but I said - you can!"

10. A man with low self-esteem is more successful in the sense that he is stronger in its place under the sun. Now explain. He goes in everything "from below", unlike confident, which is "top". Confident immediately tries a lot, famously brazenly. And uncertain - only what is already in hand goes. So he has no risk to fall quickly and hurts to hurt. In the extreme case, he will fall from the fourth step on his already skilled third - but not with the ninth on the second.


eleven. You still won't be lucky, you will not take you anyway. And you do not participate in the cloud of contests, do not go to a bunch of interviews. And less competing, less losing, purely on probability theory. And gradually appears a reason to think: "So if you think so much, I didn't make me a nose in a puddle." Thus, low self-esteem contributes to improving self-esteem. And, accordingly, on the contrary. Here we are an interesting paradox opened.

12. Also, hello from psychologists: "Women with underestimated self-esteem - they say, - married earlier than their self-confident peers." Well, also bread. Previously sit down - you will come out before. And you can start living.

13. And finally, Cherry on our low and tasteless, but pleasant and useful cake! Called "Dunning Effect". If briefly, then he, this effect, says that real odons consider themselves great specials ... just because of their irrelevance and inextricness. Well, they simply do not understand that in fact the unless, the mind is missing. And the clever is usually too self-critical. So we clever, here! Just do not speak anyone, otherwise all previous points are a cat for the tail. Who is where, and we grieve. Yu-Huu!

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