10 examples, how not to do anything and get salary for it


10 examples, how not to do anything and get salary for it 40785_1

Everyone ever dreamed to pay him for the fact that he did nothing. For example, to sit at work and read books or surfing on the Internet, how much the soul is pleased, and for it not only will not be fired, but also will be extra charge. It seems, it sounds completely impossible. But sometimes it happens that those who do not actually do anything (and we are not at all about children of billionaires), earn more than those who pounce 15 hours a day. So for what they receive money.

1. For standing in line

Naturally, no one likes to wait in line, but that if the people will pay for such people, instead of which you need to defend the long-term queue. It may sound insane, but actually quite practical. For example, in Italy, bureaucracy in government agencies is so developed that the average Italian spends about 400 hours a year to wait in the queues, while spending equivalent of approximately 44 billion dollars (so much they would have fully worked out during this time). The reason for this is quite simple - in Italy does not particularly complain about online payments, and prefer to pay to cash, which leads to an increase in the processing time of payments.

Therefore, it is not surprising that some prefer to hire codista - a person who will stand in line instead of the employer, and then pay the bills, send parcels and understand the intricacies of government agencies, etc. This work has become quite common, and now the client is provided with a standard contract. And the insurance package in case of unforeseen circumstances, which happened to Codista.

2. For lying in bed for several months

Everyone happens for days when you just want to lie in bed, and not go to work. And now on a second imagine that this is a job - to stay in a warm bed. Researchers sometimes pay people so that they lay for a long time in bed in order to learn what is happening with their bodies. NASA made such many times already. At first it seems to be almost the work of the dream, but, according to one of the experimental, while come across some problems. First, participation in such a study implies that it is impossible to take souls normally, enjoy the bathroom, there is and go to the toilet. Also, a person will not just lie and do everything he wants all the time.

During such studies, it will be necessary to participate in various identifications, which means that the medical staff will often "poke" in the experimental tools. It can be quite painful procedures, so everyone to solve himself, whether it is ready for this. In France, people were also hired to participate in a similar program in 2017. They had to constantly keep at least one shoulder in contact with their bed within 60 days. Participants were offered an amount equivalent to 17,000 dollars, for this study.

3. For waiting in the center of redistribution

In the West in some schools, teachers who are strongly "stratum" immediately dismiss. Instead, they face an unusual situation when they continue to receive a salary, while not able to work. Nevertheless, they must appear at the same time to work. These teachers are often sitting in rooms called "rubber rooms" or "reallocation centers", and almost nothing is done in ordinary working hours.

In many places, teachers often wait for the continuation of the court proceedings of their affairs ... and all this time receive money, just rubbing his pants during work time. In New York, there are also "rubber rooms" for employees of correctional institutions, where they are engaged in "important" things as the protection of empty prison cameras, and at the same time they continue to receive payment.

The practice of "rubber rooms" is difficult to cancel due to laws that make it difficult to dismiss some employees. In Los Angeles, some teachers who used to work in the "rubber rooms" are now at all get their usual salary, without leaving their own home and expecting trial.

4. In order not to appear in the ring

For wrestlers, it is characteristic of doing breaks in speeches in the ring, whether because of the injury or because it's simply, no one can constantly be at the peak of the form and exercise themselves with training. Sometimes high-class wrestlers work only a few days a year, speaking on high-profile shows and spending the remaining time, supporting the form. For example, a Undertaker (Undertaker), one of the most outstanding wrestlers in WWE, often spends months or years without a single match. In such cases, companies often pay fighters so that they continue to stay in the form for future speeches.

5. For the civil service without the need to go to work

It is only worth imagining that some pay a usual salary within ten years, despite the fact that these people do not even come to work. In Kuwait, the recent investigation into the attendance of the work by civil servants revealed that more than 900 people "are irregularly visited by" it, and one never appeared at work. His absence even nobody noticed until this investigation was conducted. In 2011, Kuwait published an official report that showed that only half of all civil servants came to work.

As reported, employers in the public sector in Kuwait and other countries of the Persian Gulf coast are not very demanding, and many people get a salary simply for inaction. Governments of these countries are working to change this. But the problem is that people are accustomed to so easily state work and do not want it to change. In Kuwait, recently introduced biometric scanners for civil servants so that they are physically "marked" daily at work. In response, thousands of people quit, because they were afraid that they were caught for violation of the rules of attendance.

6. For owning a truck

In 2004, the scandal broke out in Chicago, since it was found that a large number of companies engaged in trucks on trucks pay great money for the minimum work or even its absence. The investigation conducted by Sun-Times showed that the owners of entire fleets of trucks, including dump trucks and construction vehicles, paid millions of dollars for several years so that they simply sat.

Reporters from Sun-Times traced some of these trucks to see what they really did during hiring. For several days, many dump trucks simply stood on urban construction sites. Other trucks and traveled at all for their affairs. As a result, it turned out that it was just a scheme of money laundering, after which 48 people were in prison.

7. In order to upset French bureaucrats

If you upset your boss something at work, he can try to take revenge. And sometimes this revenge may look like the employee will pay for the fact that he will not work for more than ten years. In France, Charles Simono railway operator paid 5,400 euros per month for 12 years, despite the fact that he did not work on the railway because of a quarrel with his employer.

According to Simon, he exposed the estimated fraud with fake accounts in his company for millions of euros. He reported fraud with his bosses, after which he was removed from office. He was reported that they would translate to another place, but this did not happen. Due to the complex French laws on labor, his former workplace remained enshrined behind him. Waiting for the beginning of the new work, he still received regular payments.

Simon's story is not unique in France. The man named Bosko Herman also spent more than ten years, not working, and received a salary from the French government monthly. Herman worked in the city hall for five years before he had personal disagreements with the mayor. He was removed from office, but did not dismiss due to the legal reservation, which allowed a civil servant to continue to receive a salary until he finds a new job. Despite the newsletter of dozens of applications for employment, Germany did not care anywhere, and the government continued to pay him.

8. For nothing doing in full insulation

In the 1950s, researchers were interested in the consequences of boredom. Scientists conducted a number of experiments, during which they were isolated and trying to call them as much as possible. Naturally, everyone paid for it. Participants were kept on beds in small indoors. They were put on special glasses, in which experimental did not see anything, the ears stuck them with sponges, they put on the hands, and on the wrists, cardboard cuffs. Thus, they were deprived of most of their vision, hearing and touch. To drown out noise, air conditioning worked. In case something goes wrong, the participants in the experiment were microphones, but no one communicated with them.

They could walk freely in the toilet, but ate, sitting on the edge of their beds. At first, the participants reported that they thought about "ordinary" things, such as personal problems and studies. Some were calculated in the mind to pass the time. After some time, people became not able to concentrate on something concrete and reported on "periods of emptiness" when they thought little at all.

In the end, they had hallucinations that often began as simple lights or geometric patterns, which then turned into wild fantasies. One person described that he saw a "protein procession with bags on shoulders." The visions over time became more and more disturbing and bright until they began to interfere with sleeping. These people paid $ 20 a day, which is equivalent to about 190 dollars today. In the experiment, they were allowed to stay so long as they could withstand.

9. For sleep or wake

Scientists are constantly looking for people to participate in paid surge studies. All right - experimental pay for sleep, while researchers are observed behind them, or directly or through the body control devices. In some such studies, specific features are required, such as certain types of physique or disease, others simply need participants to sleep and wanted to earn.

For example, one woman participated in the study of sleep and earned about $ 12,000 dollars a total of 11 nights "work". In 2017, she wrote about his experience and reported that they had medical tests before, during, and after sleep. At different moments, she put a dropper, attached electrodes to the head and put a rectal thermometer. It was also necessary to sleep in uncomfortable poses or so as she was not used to. For such a way can pay well, but do not forget to read a description that the experimental actually will do. For example, these studies are also used to study the lack of sleep.

In one of the experiments, the participants spent 20 days during which they were allowed to sleep no more than four hours in a row. After the experiment, these people were also paid for five "restoration days" when they allowed to sleep up to 10 hours a day.

10. For watching the TV in an empty nursing home

In 2014, the nursing home was closed in New Jersey, after which hundreds of employees were dismissed or transferred to other institutions. In this institution, more than 200 people with developmental impairment have usually provided services that lived in cottages in the territory. Naturally, all patients gradually transferred to other institutions. Despite this, many employees continued to appear at work. They played the cards and watched the TV in the cottages, receiving the former salary. As a result, millions of dollars have been paid inactive employees since then inactive employees.

This strange case occurred due to several errors. In New Jersey, standard practice is that some employees in the public service, for example, home care workers receive salary during the dismissal period, until they find a new job. However, in this case, New Jersey staff filed an application for the extension of the dismissal period, which led to 147 days of guaranteed work and remuneration of workers in the process of dismissal.

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