28 valuable tips from women who were able to reset almost 50 kg


Many people are trying to reset a kilogram or two, but half antenna ... is it really possible. In fact, it is a real feat that will turn out not one month of sweat and tears. In this review tips, how to do it. Moreover, advice from women who actually managed to part with extra kilograms.

Shanna Father, 31 years dropped 50 kilograms

1. Start need from small. "I started walking or running a pipe for 15 minutes a day, then increased this time to 30 minutes, and after a month it ran apart. It was a very gradual process. "

2. You can not give up if after losing a certain weight, it stopped in place. "I remember, as I encountered the first time with this and felt such a broken that I did not want to continue next. In no case cannot be stopped. "

3. Be realistic with respect to the diet. "When I was Tolstoy, I eaten froth potatoes every day plus carbohydrates almost every time - like a sandwich for lunch or bread with pasta for dinner. Such a diet, full of fried food and carbohydrates, simply does not contribute to weight loss. To lose weight, I switched from three large meals per day for six small snacks, which consisted mainly of fresh vegetable salads, lean meat and nuts. And no more bread! "

Brianna Blank, 22 years dropped 68 kilograms

28 valuable tips from women who were able to reset almost 50 kg 40781_1

4. You need to find a healthy food that really likes, and there is her constantly. "In college, I explored the food available in the dining room to find the most healthy options, and chose a sandwich with a turkey on whole grain bread with mustard. I ate it on most dinners and dinners - and so focused on achieving my goals, which did not even feel about something deprived. "

Maria Gordon, 31 years dropped 47 kilograms

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5. Start need from one small change. "I realized that in the sweet soda, which I always saw, full of sugar and calories, so refused her and began to drink only water for 30 days. After just one week, success was evident, so I decided to put another task: to reduce carbohydrates in the diet. When I eaten bread, I bought only whole grain, and when I wanted rice, I chose brown rice. "

6. Make the usual favorite dishes are healthier. "I always loved hamburgers and french fries, so I began to prepare more useful products for health products, for example, hamburgers from turkey with whole grain bread and fries from the Batata."

7. If there is plenty of food, you need to prepare for this in advance. "When I know that I have to eat or want to eat extra calories, we eat smaller dishes during the day, for example, a cocktail for breakfast and salad for lunch."

Alissa Ann Hydemann, 34 yards dropped 60 kilograms

28 valuable tips from women who were able to reset almost 50 kg 40781_3

8. Replace food for snacks if it is not possible to get rid of them. "I used to overwind chips, sweets and other unhealthy foods during the day, and it was not possible to abandon such snacks. Someone suggested to me that you can just try more healthy food. Now I am snacking the same 6 times a day, but I do it with protein bars or cocktails, pistachios, celery and low-fat cheese. "

9. Suitable with the mind to order in restaurants. "Now I am preparing most of my food at home, but when I visit the restaurants, then I order a healthier food there. For example, before I ordered Tacos, Hamburgers, Potatoes Fries and Cocktails, and now my choice is salads without croutons and with low-fat refueling. "

10. Prepare yourself. "I back fish with olive oil or make a barbecue turkey from meat. I eat green beans, carrots, celery, low-fat granular cottage cheese, pistachios, olives, low-fat yogurt, grapes and tangerines. And usually I am wonderful to me. "

11. Doubling the consumption of vegetables, if after the snack or food there is a sense of hunger. "If I'm still hungry, I choose vegetables, and not unhealthy food."

12. Take a job with you to work if you know what to stay to stay. "When I weighed by 60 kilograms more, I ate fast food on the way home, if it came out from work at 21:30 or 22:00. Now I bring food and snacks to work so that, returning home, not be hungry and feel better. "

13. To say "no" with free drinks. "Previously, I regularly drank gas production, and in restaurants usually poured it for free. Is it worth saying that the invoice is tricious is lost, and how much the same Coca-Cola is drunk in a month. Now I ask the water instead of a soda, which completely refused. "

Sarah Lugger, 39 years old dropped 67.5 kilograms

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14. Move during the lunch break. "During the dinner, I began to study on a treadmill at work or just walking on the street for 30-40 minutes."

15. Store snacks everywhere at hand. "I wear protein bars in your handbag and car. So I struggle with hunger, then not to overeat. "

16. To eat more often. "I switched from a three-time nutrition for six small meals on the day."

17. Go to the restaurant only with someone. "When I share a meal, I ultimately eat smaller portions, without leaving the temptation to achieve everything from the plates. If I have no one to go to a restaurant and, accordingly, share food with him, I just postpone half a portion, which I am served in a penalty box and give myself a promise not to touch her at least two days. "

Stephanie Aromando, 31 years old dropped 45 kilograms

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18. Raise gravity to lose weight. "Despite the fact that exercises helped me burn fat, Powerlifting has become a huge part of my success. Lifting weights with the help of a simulator really helped me "create" your new body. After about four months of training, I could squat with a weight of 160 kilograms - about 12 kilograms more than I weighed when I started my way to lose weight. "

19. Always move, even on weekends. "I train six days a week and once a week I take the day of rest, during which I go to the campaign or engaged in yoga."

20. Do not use exercise as an excuse of bad nutrition. "When I started a long way to slimming, I decided that I did not want to" make it easier "to myself" healthy life. " I immediately excluded all the unhealthy food, which I was eating before, so as not to look for an excuse like "the training was so hard that this hamburger does not hurt."

21. Simplify everything as possible. "I adhere to a minimalist approach to meals: My diet consists of a lean protein (chicken breast, egg whites, hammer turkey), complex carbohydrates (cinema, batt, oatmeal), useful fats (coconut oil, almonds, avocado) and leaf green vegetables. I eat the most possibly clean food - vegetables grown in place, organic products, when possible, and all this is minimally processed. "

22. Squint at the grocery store only in the right department. "Everything I need is located in the product section, in a meat shop or in the dairy section. I avoid the central passages of the grocery store, if not looking for specific products, such as a swan or oatmeal. "

23. Prepare food in advance. "I eat five times a day for a little bit, but I cook food only twice a week with big portions so that everything is ready to eat when I get hardened."

24. Drink only water. "I take with myself 4 liters of water for the whole day and drink only her. Of course, when you keep with me such a Buckak, you look ridiculous, but I don't care. "

Tanisha Shei Williams, 33 years old dropped 63.5 kilograms

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25. Include music when you do not want to go to the gym. "Being physically active - has nothing to do with the campaign in the gym, the movement of the body and burning calories is that important. When I do not want to go to the gym, then simply turn on the music and either dancing, or a wagge with my nephew. "

Jade Sokobe, 28 years old dropped 63.5 kilograms

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26. Find physical activity that really likes. "Aerobic exercises after some time are terribly tired of me. Powerlifting is what has changed my life and saved me. "

27. Use technical and other tools in their own interests. "I started with the fact that I refused such little things like a soda, and it made it gradually, one by one, so as not to overcome after sharp changes. Then I discovered that I consider calories on the MyFitnessPal application, which has become a huge help for me when weakness. Although a few years later, I've got a little bit from the right track, "I managed to find interesting diets that helped restore healthy nutrition."

28. Use a mixture of carbohydrates and protein with each meal. "After I began to consider calories, I also started tracking the combinations of fat, protein and carbohydrates, and my body began to change for the better even faster."

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