In the struggle for beauty: throw 7 common myths about acne


In the struggle for beauty: throw 7 common myths about acne 40776_1

The problem of acne is so common that, it seems already studied along and across. But still there are many myths on this topic, which are accepted for the truth. We bring to your attention 7 popular misconceptions, which have long time to stop believing.

Acne appear due to bad hygiene

Undoubtedly, it is better not to touch the face with dirty hands, besides, such a bad habit leads to the early formation of wrinkles. But it is not possible to say that this is what causes the formation of rigorous traffic jams. Hygiene is good, but its excess will not lead to anything good. Frequent washness and cleansing flushes all protective mechanisms from the skin surfaces that are produced by the skin. In order to prevent unpleasant consequences, the skin begins to actively produce sebum, which contributes to the appearance of acne. That is why it is not necessary to cherish with peels and scrubs, and it is better not more often to do 1-2 times in 7 days.

After adolescent age acne gradually go

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Teens more often than others experience skin problems, but, according to cosmetologists, acne can squeeze the face absolutely at any age. And the reason for such a trouble can be a lot of things: hormonal imbalance, disturbed work of the sebaceous glands, infection with skin tick, oroging the top layer of the skin, etc. Women's problems with skin are often concerned about the onset of critical days, when climax, when canceling hormonal contraceptives, in the first three months of pregnancy. Sometimes acne can appear due to problems in the work of the digestive tract, with a neoplasm in the ovaries or adrenal glands. In a word, the causes can be any, so teenage age is nothing here.

Fat and roasted provokes acne

The Internet is filled with articles in style: "Stop there are these three products - and the acne will go!" And no matter how attractively it did not look - very often these tips do not lead to the desired results. No one argues about the benefits of proper nutrition and how it affects appearance. At the same time, acne will not get out if it is sometimes to indulge yourself with a piece of beloved cake or a snack fried egg. Therefore, if you exclude these "terrible" products from your menu, no changes in appearance will not lead.

If you drink a lot of water, then acne will not appear

Another misconception is to drink two liters of water a day, and then the face will be free from acne. First, doctors have long refuted this myth, assuring that a large amount of fluid is a burdens load and can lead to deposits. Therefore, you need to drink when you want to drink, and not rape your body. Secondly, alas, but the amount of water consumed does not affect the number of acne on the face.

Cosmetics provokes acne appearance

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Many grandmothers scared by bikes that the powder and the tonal base contribute to the blockage of the skin and the same corresponds to acne. Perhaps before it was so, but now this horror rust is relevant only for actors using professional make-up, which is very dense in its texture. Ordinary girls acne from cosmetics are not scary. True, now some dermatologists claim that some shampoos, air conditioners and hair styling can affect the appearance of acne. Isopropyl Miristat is often added in them, which, when entering the skin, it does not affect it.

The sun treats acne

Indeed, as soon as the window has a summer sun, you can first notice a positive result - the skin is slightly dry and the inflammation begin to go. But, unfortunately, it was just at first. In fact, the sun's rays, or rather UV only stimulates Cemum's production, so the person becomes noticeably faster.

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To avoid skin problems, experts advise less in the sun, or to hide the face from him over wide fields of the Hats. It is better to use additional protection in the form of funds with SPF.

The state of the skin is associated with the lack of sex

It cannot be said that sex is directly connected with acne, but something else binds them. Scientists have proven the relationship between the state of the skin and stress - the more the person is nervous, the more problems with the skin. Sex is a wonderful antistress, provoking the production of "hormones of happiness", less stress is better skin. Therefore, the presence of sex in the life of the individual does not directly affect the condition of the skin, but they can be eliminated by one of the reasons affecting it - stress.

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