10 reasons why "too smart" be bad


10 reasons why

It is not surprising that the lives of people with a very high intelligence are slightly simpler because they are able to identify and solve life problems much more efficiently than not particularly smart people. They are usually more successful and are well educated, which is also quite obvious.

However, as is known, "honey barrel will not cost without a spoon of tar", and high intelligence leads to a number of problems, some of whom most people will surprise. Let us give a few examples why high intelligence can have a negative impact on well-being.

1. Mental disorders

There is no doubt that smart people behave a healthier lifestyle and live on average longer. Although this may seem quite expected, the reasons for this are definitely not known. However, as for mental health problems, scientists affirm the opposite direct. In a study conducted on Mensa members (an organization for people with a high intelligence coefficient), it was found that psychological disorders were very common among its members, such as anxiety. It was also discovered that among 2% of the "smartest" three times more allergies than on average around the world. Scientists cannot explain this.

2. No friends in old age

With age, any person decreases the circle of friends, which may be due to the fact that people begin to lead not so rich life as in youth. This is a natural part of the growing, and almost everyone passes through the like. But much more amazing that smart people have a much more chance of adulthood to face social relations. According to the results of a study conducted at the University of Stockholm, it was found that people with very high IQ are becoming more and fewer friends as agreed. They also tend to be less satisfied with life as a whole.

3. Habry sick money

Financial responsibility is often much more important than great earnings. Many older rich people will say that every savvy penny is an earned penny, and they will be right, because it may not make sense to earn a lot if you do not know how to save earned. It should seem to seem obvious that it is easier to make smarter people, but in fact it is not. A study was conducted 7,400 Americans aged about 40 years, in which they compared the indicators of their IQ with an average earnings.

A certain connection between IQ and income was found (each additional IQ score was approximately equal to the additional income from $ 234 to $ 616 per year). But it turned out and a completely amazing fact - people with higher IQ are slightly more prone to financial difficulties than people with lower intelligence. Roughly speaking, they often snew money and do not plan spending badly.

4. Problems in the first days of evolution

One of the most common facts about intelligence is that he gave Homo Sapiens an advantage in development. In the end, the ability to calculate how far a predator is located, just looking at his traces, it was supposed to provide a higher chance to survive long enough to multiply. However, as numerous studies show, it is absolutely wrong.

At the dawn of mankind, the mind was not at all a big advantage, since earlier people knew perfectly well how to cope with urgent problems. Of course, a higher intelligence gives a person an advantage over others in our time (for example, if someone is perfectly disassembled in numbers, he will be able to cope with accounting tasks), but this clearly not often needed in earlier times. In addition to all, smart people are more prone to risky behavior than others, and more often live alone, and this is clearly a disadvantage at the time.

5. High probability of "gathering" for prohibited substances

Is it worth saying that the drugs are harmful. You might think that smarter people are more likely to avoid prohibited substances, but it is not. Studies convincingly prove that highly intelligent people are more inclined to use drugs than less intellectual, which still surprises scientists. Moreover, it is not about relatively harmless marijuana, but about such heavy substances as cocaine and ecstasy. Although no one understands why it is so, science says it may be due to the factor of the novelty of such substances.

6. Phenomenal durability in their beliefs

And now let's talk about irrational beliefs - such as faith in the theory of flat land or that evolution does not exist. People with lower intelligence are more susceptible to them, and there is no surprise in this, because higher intelligence really means that a person is less likely to believe things that are not based on mind and logic. However, when it comes to his own beliefs, the opposite is observed. People with higher cognitive abilities are less likely to refuse their point of view, even if they are trying to convince them with the help of concrete facts.

7. High probability of player error

Player error (erroneous understanding of the event randomness) is quite common, since people are prone not to realize that the likelihood of the desired outcome does not depend on the previous outcomes of the random event. If you explain in a nutshell that you can give the following example: when throwing a coin 9 times in a row, the rush dropped. The man will be practically sure that the eagle falls on 10 times, because "the rush cannot fall out 10 times in a row." Basically, this manifests itself with those who are interested in gambling (hence the name) when players continue to expect another result in the next round, based on the repetition of previous results. No matter how surprisingly, smart people are much more prone to player error syndrome.

8. The high probability of stress under pressure

The ability to work under pressure is becoming increasingly valuable in a modern cruel and highly competitive world. With this, recently, they are even often bragged in our summary, regardless of whether it is true or not. It turns out that there are better people with a lower level of intelligence in stressful situations with their duties. As if illogical, it sounded, "genius" is more likely to "break" under pressure. One of the reasons may be that they are inclined to worry about the result, because they are used to overcome difficulties in the early, less competitive stages of their lives. Surprisingly, people with high IQ work better when their tasks are oriented to study, and not to the results.

9. High probability to feel unsatisfied

Less intellectually gifted may assume that the only thing that does not allow them to achieve sense of satisfaction is a lack of intelligence. For example, if they were better understood in mathematics or natural science, they would throw their boring unpromising work and were engaged in what they like. This is a delusion, because the high intelligence does not help at all helps to achieve sense of satisfaction with life.

After all, gifted people grow, thinking that they can achieve everything. However, the real world loves the "man's nose munk", constantly reminding that no one can achieve something that he wants, no matter how appropriate. Thus, due to unrealistic expectations, highly intelligent people are much less commonly satisfied with their achievements (even if it is really outstanding achievements). The high intelligence is directly related to the feeling of the fact that a person will not justify his potential in later periods of his life.

10. The smaller probability of sex in adolescence

In any film about the life of adolescents, you can see the frequently repeated cliché "Botan-Virgin". Always in the class there is a very smart student who learns well. It is so looked at study (and others often belong to it biased) that he receives higher education and not finding a sexual partner. Of course, in the future, such people often become successful founders of startups and other wealthy professionals, but many studies show that smart people are much less common in having sex at a younger age.

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