Men with whom do not bind your destiny


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Each girl has its own ideal of that single man who she dreams of tie fate and make a happy family. If any traits of a male character are not satisfied with some women, they may well come down to others. As they say, there are even disadvantages in his beloved person. But there are types of men who are either not created for family life in general, or can bring the woman only pain and disappointment. What kind of men should be avoided in relationships not to turn your life into a nightmare?


Such individuals attract girls courage and outrageous. Usually they know how to carefully care, own masterful techniques of seduction. The novel with such a man will be bright and unforgettable, however, for most sensers feelings and relationships are not needed. They simply collect trophies and cannot become reliable satellites of life. Tyrant. A man of this type is difficult to recognize at the beginning of the acquaintance. He can take care of the girl, demonstrating strength and courage. It is possible to suspect a tyrant in a man in the way he behaves with other men and friends of the girl. His jealousy is aggressive and open, he is trying to scare away anyone who claims her attention. This manifestation is not love, but a sense of property. After the wedding, husband-tyrana sharpes women at home, in every way control their lives, torment, but they do not want to let go.


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These men prefer to live at the expense of their girlfriends. It is impossible to say that they are unsuccessful or tangle. They are quite capable of having their own money, but the tricky and lazy nature pushes them to lump money in women. Such cuters are very consistent and coherent, rubbing in the trust of rich ladies and quietly enjoy their money.

Mamienekin's son

This is a person for whom the main authority is mother. It affects all his decisions, and sometimes takes them for him. Such a man sees a nurse in the girl, and not his wife. He is not able to become a defender and bread, at any time can throw a family if the mother says even though. A woman will have to drag all responsibility for family affairs on themselves while her husband will be comfortable lying on the couch.


Spend money with the mind - a trait, coloring of any person. But one thing to be economical, and completely different - stingy. A man of this type is always shaking over his money and is afraid to get ice cream to the girl once again. It is likely that after the wedding he will demand from his wife checks after each purchase. It is unlikely, living with such a husband, a woman can not work, but calmly take care of itself and children. She will be forced to plow all day and share responsibility for the family in half.


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Caring and attention of this person is replaced by coldness and reproach. Relationships with him are very emotional and tense. The girl is addressed to the manipulator and cannot break out of its networks. He manipulates her feelings, then attracting to himself, then repel. Playing like a cat with a mouse. There can be no speech about real love, and marriage with a manipulator will not bring anything good.


If a person is already thirty, and he still has no normal work or his own business, the girl should think if he can provide her and children? Men of this type are often justified by the fact that they are still in finding good earnings, which has not yet found themselves, etc. In 90% of cases, the lives of such men will not be changed after 40, nor after 50 years.


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A man, without memory in love with himself, will not be able to become a true friend and satellite of life for someone. He cares only his own person and what impression she produces on others. And the point is not at all the handsome, he or so-so. A man-Narcissus will always put his ego for first place.

Sometimes, even knowing what men should be avoided in a relationship, the girls associate with them for a very different reasons.

It can be a financial need or other problems that a woman cannot solve alone. But it is worth remembering - a person who does not appreciate his soul mate, humiliates it or considers him his property, will not be able to relieve life. On the contrary, he will create new problems, which is formed a vicious circle. You need to choose that a man who will provide a woman's comfort, love and well-being.

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