Sneakers with dress: Is such a combination?


Sneakers with dress: Is such a combination? 40768_1

Fashion is the temporary domination of a certain style in music, clothing, manners and other things. This is a kind of race for novelty and popularity, the desire to be in trend, in sight, the object of imitation and an example. In the modern world, the concept of "be fashionable" has become decisive in many circles, style in clothing and involvement in general trends play an important role in decision-making decisions, admission to certain circles and even institutions.

Since ancient times, the female fashion in different countries was determined in different ways, so, in China, it was believed that the female foot deformation speaks about belonging to the aristocratism, while in Europe, the ladies of waist of the corset were dragging, and the long loop of the dress spoke of belonging to defined class. But one remains unchanged to this day. On the territory of the entire planet, women are associated with dresses, sundresses and skirts, which, in turn, do not imply on the legs of the sneakers.

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Many women aged and almost all men are perplexed from the current fashion and consider a vulgar and meaningless modern tendency to wear sports shoes in everyday life outside the gym, while young girls consider such a combination an integral part of their wardrobe. Let's look inclusive of the problem and find out why such a style in clothes came along with modern Lady and gained huge speed around the world. In the XXI century, the border between the male and women's labor was imperceptibly blurred, patriarchate barriers moved away, the female work came out on an equal step with male, in many ways women achieved success. Tight working schedule, constant movement and crazy rhythm of life - to withstand such physical exertion on the high heel and just on any heel is hard enough even the most outstanding fans of the film sex in a big city. We will not forget that for health constant walking on the hairpin is harmful enough, the heel deforms the leg and thus changes the foot of the foot when walking, that with long-term effects can lead to arthritis and other diseases. It would seem that the inalienable element of the female wardrobe, the thing that can tell about the woman everything is actually a dangerous and harmful thing.

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But as they say, any real woman is famous for a sharp mind and smartness, that is why the women's wardrobe smoothly entered the shoes without a heel, but to bring to the end of any started thing - the law of any hardworking girl. Thus, for the greatest comfort, girls began to wear sneakers, sneakers, slips, etc. Today model series of sports shoes, it is the classics of everyday life, quite large, many brand names that have not been engaged in the production of shoes are mastering this industry and produce new Technologies, however, to select the models has become quite difficult, not for each dress, they are some other sneakers, from here and growing demand for women's wardrobe in geometric progression. A couple of convenient sneakers will suit a specific dress of the dress, everything is taken into account: the classic of the female dress, laconicity and comfort.

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Fashion designers and designers rejoice in such demand and meet the mutual proposal, every day dictating all new and new trends of modern fashion, the profession of the stylist is becoming increasingly popular, new directions are opening up in the beauty industry, which will certainly talk about success in the women's craft and interest in the younger generation.

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