Chocolate, TV and other unexpected tricks that will help to lose weight


Once again trying to lose weight, hardly limiting yourself in nutrition, but nothing helps? Then it's time to try something new and unusual! The following tips may seem unusual, but they really work - just try using them in practice and the result will not make yourself wait.

More oily

The main thing is what you need to remember that the fats are unsaturated. Monounsaturated fats are contained in nuts and avocado, olive oil and a number of other products. Such fats help to fight with the most dangerous and heavy type of obesity, when the location of the grease layer is accounted for by the waist area. And polyunsaturated fats, the high content of which is marked in seafood, help speed up metabolism, and contribute to the processing of fatty deposits into energy. Therefore, if you want to get rid of excess weight as soon as possible, just turn on the fatty foods in your diet.

Chocolate - Significance

Chocolate chocolate Maine. Included, you need to take the one where cocoa is contained, and the more, the better, which means that it is worth forget about white chocolate. In Cocoa Bobach there are antioxidants who actively help fight fat in the body, even with the fact that caused by diabetes. Scientists who published the results of their works in 2011 came to this conclusion. Mice diagnosed with diabetes regularly used in food cocoa, as a result of which they lived much longer than those diabetic mice, which Cocoa was not given. Such an effect is due to the fact that antioxidants available in the product reduce the degeneration of arteries and do not give fat to be deposited as stocks.

Tell me: "Yes!" dairy products

Also proven fact - calcium deficiency in the body leads to an increase in appetite, which causes a set of excess weight. But if you use yoghurts, cheeses, milk and other foods rich in calcium on a regular basis, then the appetite will significantly dive and weight will begin to decline. Researchers from Tennessee came to such conclusions - on their calculations, only three portions of dairy products are enough per day to reduce the percentage of fat deposits.

Detach TV time

Do you know that watching TV is very helpful for the figure? But it is necessary to select the programs right - to start getting rid of excess weight, you need to look not news, and not detectives, but good comedies and humorous programs. Just imagine, in just 1 minute intensive laughter, you can spend up to 40 kcal. But the cause of weight loss is not only in this. Laughter is an excellent opportunity to cope with stress, and scientists have proven a direct connection between the stress level, impaired metabolism and the accumulation of fat in the waist area. Therefore, preferentiate the news comedy and lose weight with a laugh!

Balaugh yourself a glass of wine

The main condition - a glass should be one and better choose red wine. According to the results of studies conducted in 2006, the antioxidant resveratrol, contained in red wine, contributes to increasing endurance, protects from excess weight and insulin resistance. But again, despite the benefit, it is not worth removing with wine, otherwise the alcohol will provoke appetite and stop it difficult.

Do not run from sugar

In this case, as with fats, you need to remember that not all sugar is equally useful. The amount of conventional sugar use is better to cut - it is really correct, but to introduce more honey to the diet - even better. The product of beekeeping contributes to weight loss, helps to fight even with severe obesity, as well as with it, you can normalize blood glucose levels.

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