9 inspirational movies about love that just knocks down


9 inspirational movies about love that just knocks down 40763_1

In the cold season, love warms well. And if there is no beloved person near, then you can plunge into the world of romance through the screen. And for the couples in love with the following selection of the film will be a great reason to have a pleasant time together.


The main character - Paterson - lives in the city of the same name. He works on the boring driver's work and his whole life to madness unit. But despite all the boredom and longing, in his head, then the wonderful poems are born, which he sets out his wife a laure. A woman is trying to persuade his beloved to publish his creations, but Paterson himself is not so optimistic, so continues to create exclusively for her. But very soon there is one small event that will change everything ...

Ocean light (2016)

All actions are reproduced in the post-war period in the West of Australia. Tom Sherborne - War Veteran - is arranged for the post of Lighthouse. Soon he meets the girl named Isabel, to which warm feelings begins to feed. Their relationship is converted to marriage, and she moves to live to him on the island where the lighthouse is installed. Once a newly new family pulls a boat into the sea with a newborn baby. Isabel has already survived two miscarriages, and completely killed by Hoor, she persuades the spouse to leave the child to themselves and issue it for their daughter. A man gives care of his beloved persuasion to make her happy. And no one then did not understand what the nightmare all this story will turn ...

Colony Dignidad (2015)

In the midst of a military coup, which happened in 1973, a couple of Lena and Daniel decides to move to Chile. A young man turns out to be a stolen secret police, and the girl heads along his tracks into a closed part of the country, located in the southern part and the name "Colony of Dignidad". The colony itself works under the cover, issuing himself for a charitable organization under the leadership of Powl Shepher's preacher. But it was not possible to get out of this colony yet anyone. In despair, Lena is solved to be embedded in this unusual place and find a loved one.

Girl from Denmark (2015)

Film tells about the story that took place in real life. The plot unfolds in Copenhagen of the 20s of the twentieth century. One day, the artist Gerd asks her husband to help her in his work and to populate her as a woman. Ready works are gaining popularity, which pushes Gerdu to continue such unusual cooperation with her husband. Time is coming, and gradually the spouse becomes more and more difficult to return to the role of a man. He begins to wear ladies' clothes, takes himself the name of Lily and represents himself another like sister Gerda. Innocent requests of his wife led to the fact that the man is completely changing and is solved on the sex change surgery.

He and she (2017)

He is a writer who is at the start of his career. She is a master in the direction of classical literature. They both feed weakness to the works of Dostoevsky and Joyce. Until a certain moment, they both were nothing burdened and free people, but their spontaneous meeting at the bar stretches for half of the years. How will they pass through success, boredom and wealth? Which of them will receive all the laurels, and who will remain unnoticed? Lobster (2015) film actions unfold in the near future, where society does not accept single people. All single is customary to send to a special hotel, living in which they must pick themselves a couple in 45 days. If a person does not fit within the deadline and still remains a single, then it is converted into an animal. The whole complexity of the search for the second half is that people who have similar habits must be seeded. In order not to turn into an animal, David makes the decision to smear and build relationships with a cold and heartless girl, depicting the same "monster". But how long can he stay in his new role? La La Land (2016) Mia's main heroine has a dream - she really wants to become an actress, but now she will deal with coffee with actors and rushing from one listening to another. Sebastian works a jazz musician, playing primitive melodies at various parties. When a long-awaited success comes to each of them, they will have to make a serious decision and choose - a relationship or career, about which each of them has happened. Sing Street (2016) While the whole world is twisted in pop culture, against the background of an outbreak of the economic crisis in Dublin, a teenager of the Conor undertakes attempts to find its place in the family, which is experiencing not the best period, to establish relationships with her brother and will stand the struggle in a new school where parents were transferred. Against the background of all these troubles, in front of his house, he meets her ... Charming mysterious stranger simply could not not attract his attention and he wants to conquer reciprocity from her side. Conor decides to create his own group and wants to invite it to participate in the shooting of the clip. New love inspires a guy, with each new song they become getting closer, but are they destined to be together? Can they embody their most bold expectations in life? Inner beauty (2015) is a fairly instructive film telling about the anomalous reincarnations of a key hero, which every morning wakes up with a new appearance, character and even the floor. To live with such a feature is not the simplest task, but possible, but what about love?

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