"Good also breasts and smile": What attracts men in female appearance


No one already disputes the fact that "Men love eyes," but what exactly attracts in women in the first place? Many ladies believe that men immediately pay attention to the female breast, but the results of research scientists from England do not agree with this.

In its experiment, English scientists involved about 1000 men, most of which, and this is 700 people, assured that when meeting with a girl, first of all, they look at her eyes. After that, the strong floor analyzes the smile of the ladies and only after that attention is paid to the breast of women. In the top five leaders, for which men throw their gaze, there were also hair, and the weight of the ladies. Further on the list goes legs, then how a woman dress up, pop, growth and in what condition is the skin.

Funny, but the results of studies of a similar plan, conducted by American scientists, refute the work of English colleagues. According to their data, first of all, men look at the Havle, waist and chest area. American scientists went in their studies on and calculated that the examination of the breast of men is given 62 milliseconds, and they allocate 15 milliseconds on the waist and thighs, and sometimes less.

Psychologists comment on such behavior in that when meeting with a woman, men are not "dismembering" it visually, but perceive the image of the whole - that is, Assess the harmony of the female figure.

But that's not all, the woman should be beautifully dressed - almost all men in femininity in clothing and style. Therefore, the attention of a strong floor is actively attracting women with long hair wearing heels and dresses. But, again, you need to consider the individual tastes of each. In the assessment of the ladies, the power of the floor comes from personal preferences and tastes in clothing.

And only after the image perceive in general, men begin to consider the details, including breasts and hips. But wherever the man will look, also depends on his preferences. The aesthetes like women's legs, elegant handles (the thickness of the ankle and wrist can also be considered), neck, sponges, etc. - here the taste and color, as they say.

Some representatives of the strong sex really look at the growth of a woman, so that she was to be to him - high men stretch to high ladies, and vice versa.

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