The strangest diets who came up with people


At different periods of time, people sought to lose weight, but not always for this they were picked up normal and healthy ways. The story knows a lot of very strange, and sometimes dangerous diets who experienced humanity. And just some of them.

Diet on alcohol

The first person who decided to experience a very strange way to lose weight was the British ruler Wilhelm Conqueror. The period of his reign fell by the 11th century, not the best time for England. Then people really were not to luxury in food, so there were practically no problems with the people with a weight of the people, there were no more people how to lose weight, but no matter how to die with the hunger.

But the full people, on the contrary, were an example of luxury and wealth. The then ruler just answered all the signs of the elite of those times, and to reset the weight, according to legend, he decided after the horses could not transport him. Then, Wilhelm completely excluded food from his diet and moved to beer and wine. Whether he managed to lose weight on such a "hot" diet, it is not known, because the inventor of an unusual food itself soon fell from the horse and died.

Diet on vinegar

Lord Byron always sought to look perfectly, elegant and young, so diet were for him the usual. To have a noble pallor, before using food, he soaked it in vinegar, and after that he saw an acid, which was pre-diluted with water. He died at 36 years old and, as an autopsy witnessed, the body of the deceased for its state was much older than its owner.

Chewing diet

At the junction of the 19-20 centuries, the world found out about the Diet of Horace Fletcher. The author of the dietary nutrition assured that I need to chew at least 32 times before swallowing it. If the condition was not satisfied, it was recognized as the body signal that the food had to be spoiled. At the same time, there was absolutely no importance that it was the man who was eating - even a semolina porridge was required to chew a given number of times. Surprisingly, but this idea brought a mountain millions.

Explosive diet

In the 30s of the twentieth century, American doctors noticed a wave of active weight loss among those who worked in the storage warehouses of explosive substances and insect funds. After that, it turned out that the wines of all dinitrophenol, which was part of all stored goods. This substance accelerates metabolic processes in the body and eliminates fat stocks. The skillful work of marketers and, voila, dinitrophenol already in the composition of drugs for weight loss and they are sold across the country. And everything would be nothing, only after that the wave of vision and deaths swept among the losing weight.

Diet hgch.

In the middle of the twentieth century, one English doctor introduced his own version of the diet - to use no more than 500 kcal per day to receive hong hgch (in a simple, hormone of pregnancy). It is not a secret that any hormonal invasion of the body does not remain unnoticed, so then a similar diet has not led to Happi Ence - who wants to lose weight, and the case diagnosed depression, migraine and thrombose.

Glice diet

In the same middle of the twentieth century, but in the United States, a no less strange diet flourished, which implied the use of pills with worms. The popularity of the diet has acquired thanks to the opera performer of Mary Callas, which miraculously got rid of 35 kg in just 16 months.

Before us, fashion for wool pills reached much later, and called them "Thai pills." In the blister was only a pair of tablets - in the same parasites lived, and in the other there was a huge dose of the drug against helminths.

Diet on Nicotine

The popular advertising campaign of the first half of the twentieth century states - replacing candy cigarette. And despite the harmfulness of such a slimming method, then teenage girls, and models, and ballerinas began to actively "smoke" to maintain the perfect weight and achieve perfection.

Sleepy diet

When we sleep, we do not eat - a very simple truth that American residents understood in the 70s. But it was especially good that Elvis Presley, who was a big fan of this approach. That's just a diet was not on the physical need in a dream, but on the grievors of the sleeping pill. Under the power of such a pill, seeking to lose weight could be in bed for several days, and some of them did not wake up at all.

"Horns and hooves"

In the 70s, Robert Lynn was invented a wonderful drink, which promised to suppress appetite. And it is worth noting, with the task, he coped at 100%.

The doctor cooked his creation from the waste of cattle cattle, a kind of kissel was obtained. It was recommended to drink instead of meals, and those who listened, really fucking, which is not surprising at all, because the glass of such a boiling contained less than 400 calories.

Diet "Alliluia"

In the 90s, the pastor from the United States for a couple with his wife invented a dietary nutrition system that led to God and health. The name for the power system was closed for a short time, a similarly was called the farm on which the "Divine" products have grown.

This diet was no more than vegetarian nutrition with a reduced calorie content, consisting exclusively of cereals and vegetables. According to the authors of the diet, it was this food that was in paradise, where Adam and Eve lived. Well, whatever it was, of all the above presented, this diet is the most harmless.

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