6 good reasons for each woman need a consiler


6 good reasons for each woman need a consiler 40755_1
It may seem strange, but there are still those who have no concept of consilet. But even those who know, not everyone knows how to use it or do it wrong. Therefore, we will carry out a small educational program on the consileri, which will probably be useful for many.

The tonalnik will never replace the consiler

The main goal of the consilertes is to hide small imperfections of the skin (pigmentation, redness, acne), and in its structure it reminds a little reminding the usual tone cream. But even despite this similarity, it is not able to replace the tonalnik, exactly, as the opposite. The tone base is needed to create a smooth skin tone, its texture is more tender. While the consistency of the consistency is dense, in order to apply to imperfect areas, the disguise effect was achieved.

The makeup should also follow the sequence of their application. Initially, the tonal agent is superimposed, and only then the consilet, and not vice versa.

Consiller is perfect for any skin type

Some dislike the conservaler for the fact that he can emphasize the peeling on the skin, but here, most likely, the problem lies in the other. This cosmetics has a wide variety of textures, and you need to find your own, ideally suitable. Liquid, for example, is suitable for lightening the protruding areas on the face - bridge, cheekbones, bone under eyebrow. It is also an ideal option for dry skin type.

But with the help of a cream consumer, you can easily mask bruises and dark circles under the eyes. It should be distributed by a thin uniform layer, and before applying the rest of the makeup, it is necessary to give it to dry. This is a universal type of means that combines with any skin type.

For a fatty type of dermis, a dry type of a consilertes is perfect, which is easily applied on top of liquid, in order to fix the result. But you need to handle the consilet neatly - if you move to it, it will easily emphasize the mimic wrinkles.

To use a colored consilet - you need experience

About multicolored consilers said a lot, and there are no first year. Nevertheless, many of them are afraid. In fact, there is nothing terrible in them - you just need to take a comfortable brush and remember the scheme: green saves from redness on the skin, pink with salmon easily hide bruises, and purple is cleaned with pigmentation.

Consiller may take on the role of elasty

Consiller is a real salvation for those who do not want to use a means for removing makeup. After all, if the tone base is already applied, then an attempt to erase some imperfections can turn into the spool of the whole makeup. To make the contour of the arrows or lips after applying lipstick perfect, you just need to apply a little consileder on a thin brush and walk along the borders.

With the help of a consilete, you can adjust eyebrows

Similar principle can be corrected and eyebrows. After a pencil is applied to them or another cosmetic tool, a bevelous brush with a consilert need to adjust the eyebrows, if necessary. In this way, you can eliminate all imperfections and make your gaze more expressive.

Consiller - Decent Replacement Primer

Not a complete, of course, but if it is impressed, the consiler will easily replace the base under shade and lipstick, i.e. Thanks to him, makeup will also hold on longer.

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