17 things that no one tell about horror films


17 things that no one tell about horror films 40754_1

Horror films love many people. Some find them funny, others simply love adrenaline. But what actually happens behind the scenes of films that everyone loves so much. To find out the whole truth about the shooting, Bruce Campbell, the stars of the film "Evil Dead" took an interview.

1. How to remove real emotions

"Nothing says to actors during filming, because the director wants them to be scared and surprised," Campbell said in an interview. "When they first splashes blood in the face, the actors are really shocked."

2. There is a trick, thanks to which you can publish the perfect cry

Some actors are better able to use their diaphragm when they scream. They can shout at least all day to the whole voice, and at the same time they do not hide.

3. During the most terrible scenes, a lot of blood is used.

Each scene is different from others. For example, specialist specialists found out that 95 liters of blood were used for the scene in 2 parts "Esha against the ominous dead".

4. Artificial blood is very viscous and sticky, and it is unpleasant to work with it

In fact, despite all the achievements of technology, artificial blood has almost changed over the past 30 years, it is still unpleasant sticky. Previously, she was made from the corn syrup, and today it is unlikely that it has changed. Blood sticks everywhere, to the shirt, to the hair, and it is difficult to tear off.

  1. On the set always there is a special team, laundering blood

They have rubber mops, vacuum cleaners and hoses, and such people are always in demand after filming. Purification site is a significant part of the filming. Also there is a large plastic trough, which is thrown out blurred clothes before receiving a shower.

6 For the application of makeup for the actor takes several hours

Bruce Campbell said that before filming, he was made by makeup about three hours. And to remove the makeup, I needed another hour.

7 Play monster or some mutant is difficult due to abundant grima

If you have to play a role of some terrible creature, you will need about 5 hours for dressing and makeup. At the same time, the whole day will have to eat through the straw. About the toilet is not worth check-with.

8 Even in the most terrible scenes in the film it is difficult to get frightened

In half of the cases, when the battle of the battle with a monster is removed (naturally, not one double), the actor in the end just becomes funny. After all, he sticks with a guy in a funny suit.

9 The film crew definitely becomes truly cohesive

During the filming of the film, all the actors and the film crew always get close to each other. They are experiencing general moments, strive for a common goal, and are covered with one blood, although artificial.

10 horror film actors are usually pretty shy

The actors shooting in horror winds look awesome, but they will not speak first with anyone. Many of them do not find themselves in society, as they play in films of bold and bold characters, but in life are not necessarily bold and arrogant people.

11 They have many fans

Bruce Campbell said that he has about 400 fans who have made a tattoo with his image. Also fans make whole homely shrines dedicated to the favorite films, and send Bruce their photos. This, to put it mildly, impressive and scares.

12 Wearing all props is hard

When in one hand shotgun, and in another chainsaw, in any way you feel awkward. When you turn, then you are guaranteed to knock out things from the shelves. It is also difficult not to touch other people with this props, especially during rehearsals, until you get used to it.

13 scenes of killings are pretty boring

It takes a lot of doubles to "kill." Therefore, it always tires.

14 You need to be in excellent shape for filming in the horror movie

"We should always be in excellent form, and this is critical, especially at my age," says Bruce Campbell. - The main thing is stretching. I again pulled a fallated tendon this year, fighting with the guys-cascaders. "

15 Things such as celery, walnuts and dead chickens are used to create sound effects in horror

In former times, celery stem celery near the microphone to imitate the sound of breaking bones. To get the sound of a knife lingering in the flesh, used a knife and carcass chicken. And for the sound of a rolled neck, walnut was perfect. Naturally, modern equipment is used today, but in the past, sound recording looked like that.

16 Previously, the actors considered the shooting in the title of horrors of something shameful, what to hide

Previously, the horrors were considered no better porn. Naturally, no one proud.

17 Campbell is very pleased with the fact that horror films finally became mainstream

The perception of horrorists has changed over the past ten years. The same "sinister dead" canceled a ban in Germany after 30 years. Now no longer need to hide what was filmed in a similar film. It became just another genre.

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