Research: Women and Men perceive the world in different ways


    Research: Women and Men perceive the world in different ways 40753_1
    Researchers from the Washington University, which is located in Seattle, assure that the female response to movements is much worse than men. They came to this conclusion after the experiment, whose participants were volunteers.

    Specialists say that over the years, representatives of the scientific world have tried to understand whether there are differences between people of different floors in a physiological, evolution plan, and whether different chemical processes occur in their organisms. Until recently, the researchers insisted that any difference in the behavioral process is explained by their upbringing, the presence of certain hormones and compliance with certain traditions.

    Even at the beginning of the XXI century, microbiologists from America managed to find out that some parts of the brain had to "contact" among themselves. At the same time, such processes occur as not as it is observed in the feminine organism. Moreover, during research works, molecular biologists managed to prove that men and representatives of beautiful sex feel pain in different ways. Also, experts found evidence that the male floor would be programmed by evolution to go away from life before the ladies.

    According to Scott Murray, the author of scientific work, during the experiments, his team found another important difference between men and women, when he was looking for evidence that the autists manage to respond faster to any visual stimuli compared to other people.

    Thus, experimenters had to withdraw a number of pictures with a picture of moving strips, which disappeared from the display after a few seconds. To participate in the experience, both healthy people and autists were attracted. The main task that stood before the subject was to determine the direction of the movement of these lines. Moreover, it was necessary to answer as quickly as possible. To do this, volunteers should be pressed on the desired button.

    After studying the results of the test and the activity of the brain, the researchers have noticed that the presence of the diagnosis of "autism" does not affect the choice by people of one or another response. A faster reaction was observed in men. To determine the answer, they had to spend about 0.1 seconds. Their rollers were required to select the correct answer from 0.125 to 0.175 seconds.

    According to scientists, this experiment proves that representatives of different floors accustomed to perceive the world in their own way. But why these features have a place to be, experts cannot explain. Another mystery is that the activity of the brain area responsible for the activities of the visual bark, the same men and women are the same. Experts hope that in the course of further research they will be able to find out what the snag lies.

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