True on the intimate relations of the elderly


True on the intimate relations of the elderly 40752_1

Intimate relationships are an important element of the life of every person at any age. However, there was an opinion in society that Intimate is the lot of young people, and to achieve a certain age, interest in this occupation is lost and the need for it disappears. But all this is nothing more than a myth - even a solid age, people continue to enjoy all the delights of proximity to their partner. In this article, we will debunk the most popular myths concerning sex in old age.

The elderly intima is not

Undoubtedly, the quality of life leads to the fact that the older the person becomes, the weaker his health becomes. All this is directly reflected in the libido, which is often not so pronounced as in 18-20 years. Men at the older age begin to experience problems with the erection, but this is not at all reason to forget about sex. First, fortunately, not all these problems are poured, secondly, there is always the opportunity to seek help from a specialist who will select efficient treatment and will write the necessary drugs.

Over time, the need is lost

In long-term relationships, the spark eventually begins to go out and passion is becoming less and less, and intimate life passes from the first plan to the most rear. But there are a lot of examples and reverse when, with a passion, neither the pursuit, nor the partner's wishes, not only go anywhere, but also flared up with a new force. Couples and after 40, and after 60 a new honeymoon can begin.

In general, it is noticed that people, in whose lives there are sex, and not only in the youth, much happier in the life of those who have his deficit. Recently studied studies are proved - in 60% of cases, couples over 65 years old who have sex people have confirmed more than two times a month that they are very happy and satisfied with their lives. 80% of respondents assured that besides other things are satisfied with their marriage. But from those older respondents who have no intimate relationships, only 40% expressed content with the quality of their lives.

Sex in the elderly is necessarily accompanied by soreness

The age changes in the feminine organism differ from men, also differ and the problems with which the ladies face with intimate intimacy. Menopause leads to the fact that during sex a woman can experience discomfort and painful sensations, which is directly related to the hormonal perestroika in the body causing dryness of the mucous membranes.

It is possible to quickly solve this problem with a lubricant, which is sold on any pharmacy. You can also contact a gynecologist who will tell you how to approach the solution of the problem comprehensively. In any case, pain and discomfort will disappear, and pleasure will remain.

If the problems in sex arise because of pain in the joints, back or other place, you can talk with a partner about your problem and choose the most suitable postures. As a support, you can take a pillow, but in the most difficult cases, painkillers are launched. Of course, before this it is better to consult with the doctor.

The older the person becomes, the less chance to increase libido

When libido and sexual desires go to the decline - it is quite natural. And if this happens at the same speed as the partner, there are no problems in intimate life. But if the spouse is all right with that, and your own state begins to bother, then it is impossible to let it in a sidier. Specialist will help find out the cause of the problem. Talk to the doctor, perhaps the decline in the libido is due to the disease that prevents enjoying the proximity.

Remember that the health status directly affects sex life. Active people who have strong physical health are satisfied with the quality of their sex life, which you will not say about those who suffer from different problems. Diseases such as hormonal imbalances, vascular pathologies, uncontrollable diabetes, may cause a decline in sexual desire. Even a simple admission of some medicines can affect the level of libido, therefore, it may be necessary to revise and change the received preparations, but it is necessary to do this only with the permission of the attending physician.

In old age sex is dangerous

The scenes are fairly often showing the scenes when an elderly person occurs during sex, a heart attack happens, and sometimes intimate proximity is completely ends with a fatal outcome. It gives rise to fear and the opinion that sex in elderly is dangerous. This is especially disturbing patients with cardiovascular pathologies.

But instead of protecting ourselves from any physical activity, including sex, you just need to visit the doctor who will tell in detail what threatens, and what is quite safe for your life. If doubts arise in the competence of the doctor, it is better to consult a few. Only in the rarest cases, sex can cause serious problems, except pain in the joints and muscles. The studies carried out on this topic show the opposite results - sexual activity in old age contributes to the improvement of both mental and physical health.

Sex in youth is much better and brighter

Another frequent misconception - many believe that all the delights of life are concentrated only in youth, and that sex at this time is much better. And in the elderly, everything passes sluggishly and boring, there is no passion and romance, it turns out little. And here is not! Over time, many find that the best points with a partner turn out to be only ahead. Of course, you can indulge with the memories of what sports were once, how beautiful was the body, but not all this makes sex bright and exciting. The quality of intimate life is directly proportional to the quality of the relationship - the closer the partners are spiritually, the more mutual understanding, the more love - the more pleasure brings sex.

Only imagine the results of women's surveys aged about 67 years have shown that 60% of them are very pleased with their intimate life, and 2/3 of this number also regularly experience orgasm. And another interesting proven fact - the older the woman becomes, the easier and faster it reaches the peak of sexual pleasure.

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